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Nixie's POV
Well it's been a week since seeing the boys again and it's been fine nothing is awkward and they are loving the girls and Jai and Aspen have been very happy lately, I've also noticed Aspens always on her phone smiling and giggling and is going out and making up a stupid excuse and when Jai's over he's on his phone doing the same and apparently he's going out a lot to, I have a feeling something going on between them but I'll leave it there old enough to look after themselves, Italia is at her first sleepover this weekend with her friend from her school and Octavia is staying with James, Beau and Daniel at their house don't know what the twins are doing but Aspen is going out this weekend so I'm alone it's is quite nice but annoying I'm bored as hell, all I'm doing on a Saturday is watching TV it's lunchtime and all I can think is please let this weekend go fast.

Aspen's POV
I'm at a nice hotel, I'm staying here for a weekend, I'm waiting for Jai, yeah after that time together, we've been doing texts to each other like all day and night for like the whole week and we've been hooking up which is not something I would usually do, I heard a knock at the door and Jai walked in, he smiled, I smiled back, I stood up, he walked up to me and held my waist, I left my hands on his chest

"Hey," he said smiling

"Hey" I said back and smiled

He lent down and kissed me, we walked backwards and got to the bed and fell back, I slowly moved backwards to the pillows, he was still kissing me, I pushed him up

"What?" He asked confused

"Is this all I am to you?" I asked, he frowned

"What are you on about?" He asked me

"Am I just a Yano fuck buddy or just friends with benefits or do you just want me for this?" I said, he shook his head

"No you're definitely more than that I just want us to have fun and not make it serious just have it about us and have no one intruding in our relationship," he said, kissing my cheek, I smiled

"Good wait... did you say relationship as in girlfriend boyfriend?" I asked

"Yeah if you want it to be but we'll keep it a secret for a while," he said, I pulled him down to kiss him

"I'd love for us to be this again but your right a secret will be best for a while" I said, he smiled and kissed me again, we carried on with what we were going to do before, I pulled the top over his head and chucked it, we reconnect our lips, I undone his pants and slipped them partly down, he pulled them all the way and threw them somewhere, his cold hands slipped up my body and grabbed the bottom of my crop top he pulled it off, we both got naked and let's just say it was the best I've had.

Luke's POV
I was at home with Beau, Daniel and James, I had just fed and burped Octavia, she was standing on my lap and bending her legs up and down

"Mama," she said giggling, I and the boys were shocked, the boys came around me and her and Beau started recording on his phone

"Mama," I said, she giggled

"Mama," she said doing a little clap with her hands, I smiled at her

"I bet once I send this Nixie will come running through the door to see," Beau said, sending the video

About five minutes later, Nixie came running through the door, she was in some 3/4 sports tights and a sports bra and her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she had her glasses on

"Hey," she said and went next to Beau behind the couch

"Hey," we all said in sync

"Hey my princess" Nixies said, grabbing her hand, Octavia held onto her finger

"Mama," Octavia said back, Octavia started to get excited and jumping around, Nixie reached for her and carefully took her out of my hands, she came round and sat on the couch in front of me

"Haha stop Octavia," Nixie said laughing

"What is she doing," I asked

"She's hitting my boobs," Nixies said laughing really hard, she lay her on the blanket on the ground her stomach and sat back down and had her hands covering her boobs

"What are you doing," I asked laughing

"I feel a little violated" Nixie said starting to laugh again, all us boys were laughing at her response

"I better get back I'm majorly tired," Nixie said yawning, she got up and hugged the others

"I'll walk you out" I said standing up, we got to the door, I hugged her waist she hugged my neck, we pulled out a little our faces were close, I lent down and kissed her, she pulled away and looked at me for a second then kissed me hard, we made out for a while, we pulled away, she let go of me

"Ah bye," she said a walked really fast out the door, I touched my lips did that really just happen.

'I guess this is a step closer'

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