Chapter 3

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I awoke to the sound of warm crackling fire.

I shifted under the covers and sucked in a pained breath of air from my sore body. I was stiff. It hurt to move. My memories returned to me like a wave crashing onto me. The blizzard, the wolves, the river...

My eyes shot open, I stared up at the rock ceiling, the fire casting a warm orange glow in the dark cave. Items laid on one side of the large cave, my outer clothes splayed out drying by the fire. Then it hit me. Someone saved me from drowning in the river!

I held in a gasp as a dark figure moved from behind the other side of the fire. I couldn't clearly see who or what it was behind the fire until it finally broke the silence.

"How are you feeling?" his voice was startlingly gentle and soft.

I laid still, unsure if I should respond, but..... he did save my life. I cleared my raw throat. "Could be better..." I said quietly, trying not to strain my voice. It hurt my throat to talk. "At least I'm alive...thank you"

He took a relaxed breath. "Good"

There was silence again and I started to feel self-conscious as I felt his gaze on me. "Ummm..." I said. "How long was I out?"

"Oh... maybe for about three hours. You were freezing cold and exhausted" he responded. " I hope you aren't mad that I stripped most of your clothes off, it would of made you stay frozen..."

My cheeks suddenly got warm "Ah no! I understand really... it was the fastest way you could save me." He left my tank top and spandex on, so, he mustn't be a creepy guy. "What were you doing out there anyway?"

I saw him narrow his eyes, "I came to save you"

I stared at him. How did he know I was here? My stomach growled. The guy gave an amused chuckle.

"I've made some soup a little while ago, I'll get you a serving." He stood up and went over to a little pot at the side of the cave, pored some into a bowl and stuck a spoon in. This time he came to my side of the fire and sat down besides me.

I laid there breathless. He was gorgeous! He had long black hair that pored over his shoulders over his chest, sparkling light green eyes and a rough-narrow looking face. He was probably a young adult. His piercing green eyes met mine, and an excited shiver traveled throughout my body.

A small smile splayed across his thin lips, making my heart skip a beat. "Can you sit up to eat?" He asked making me snap out of the spell. I used my arms to strain myself up but I faltered, gasping in pain. A look of concern came across the guys face, "It looks like you're still too weak to move around, you certainly need to rest some more before we can leave this cave. How about I feed you the soup? That way you won't be hurting yourself."

Before I could say anything, the guy put his slender yet strong arms around me, carefully sat me up in bed, came sat behind me and let me support myself up against his chest. My face was extremely warm and my heart was pounding.

"Oh my..." he said, "you're not getting a fever are you?" he put his cool hand over my forehead.

"Ah no!" I blushed "I'm fine really. It's just..just that.... I've just met you and...this is..."

"Uncomfortable?" He finished. "Sorry...I'll do what I can to make you as comfortable as possible..." he then trailed off, lost in thought. A mournful air came about him. "I'm a stranger to you aren't I?" There was another silent moment. "Please....Please trust me my dear. Don't be afraid of me...I want to help you." I was about to ask him something until he jumped in again "Now, hold up your head. I'll feed you your soup."

I ate the food in silence, enjoying the warmth from the soup spread throughout my body. It didn't taste too bad, it was actually pretty good. When I was finished, my stomach was satisfied and full. I ate enough to make me sleepy.

He set the bowl down and settled his arms around me again. He gently set his chin on my shoulder and sighed into my ear, making shivers travel down my spine. "Is that better?" he softly asked.

"Yes..." I timidly said back, a yawn broke through and drowsiness tugged my eye lids.

"Good. I'll try to get you strong and healthy as soon as I can. It's important." He ran his fingers into mine and grasped them. "You are special and must be protected."

"How so?" I asked drowsily"Do you know how I got here? What is going on? Why did I come here? Where is 'here' anyway?"

The guy sighed " You must be here for a reason...But I'm sure we will find out in good time. First you must rest and regain your strength." He carefully laid the both of us back in the covers of the sleeping bag. Why was he still with me?

My eyes grew heavier from feeling cozy warm, maybe a little too warm? "Are you staying here with me?" I quietly asked.

" I guess I am" he whispered back.

I was too comfortable to reject him, even though I was already exhausted, I wouldn't have the strength to move away. My eyes fluttering open and closed, fighting to stay awake. I still had a question.

"Who are you?" I scarcely asked. He ran his fingers through my long dark hair and pressed his cheek against mine. He sighed longingly. He shifted his arms that were around my waist to a different position to stall for more time. Then, at last, he spoke before I gave away into slumber.

"I am Loki Laufeyson...King of Jotunheim."

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