Chapter 10

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We finally broke through the trees to a ridge that stood over the canyon below. Frost wolves mingled among themselves eating and playing together. My breath was caught in the beauty of it all.

"Come" Darsvk motioned us with his tail and we started down a well worn trail down to the lively throng of frost wolves living in harmony.

Eyes were on us as we walked along the base of the small canyon to the other side. As I looked around I could see caves were the frost wolves would sleep in. Most of the frost wolves were white and light grey with blue eyes.

I stopped as something clamped its teeth around my ankle. There was a muffled growl,"Got you!" it growled playfully.

I looked at the little frost wolf pup, his fur dark grey with unusual white markings and big amber eyes. My heart just melted, so I played along.

"Oh no! What am I going to do?" I gasped, "A brave strong frost wolf has captured me and is now going to eat me!" I cried in playful distress. Darsvk group stopped.

"I'm not going to eat you yet!" he yipped. "I must take you to our leader first! Follow me!" The pup pushed his head on my leg urging me to continue walking, so I did. We walked on, the pup trotting by my side.

Loki intertwined his arm around mine, making me look at him in surprise. But when our eyes met, he looked at me with pure content, a small smile making my heart skip a beat.

We climbed up to a cave on the other side and went in. We entered into a large cavern, pillars of rock reaching high above my head. There were pathways and caves along the walls, the whole place being dimly lit by amber glowing crystals.

We continued walking further into the cavern, coming upon the last cave. Darsvk held out his tail making us halt a few feet from the entrance. I heard scratching noises coming from the dark cave.

Out stepped a large frost wolf with a white underbelly, grey fur with a few dark grey stripes streaking out, and aqua-marine eyes. All heads bowed down to their leader.

"" He grumbled.

"Ah yes, there is something very important you need to know." Darsvk responded. "Kaztu is alive, and it seems he's gathered a small band of rouges. He attacked us on our journey here, all in hopes to retrieve the One that we have."

He flicked his tail and the other wolves opened up a clearing around me and Loki. The large frost wolf started walking around slowly, examining me with intelligent eyes.

He finally came full circle and sat in front of me. "Demonstrate for me." he said. I gave him a blank stare and he added, "demonstrate your power for me." he sat patiently.

I didn't know what to do.

"Do something!" Daravk whispered, "That is the Alpha, be respectful and please show him your powers."

I froze. That was even worse, how was to tap into my "power"? I didn't have any like Loki that I could think of. Why did they said I have powers when I know I don't?

I looked at Loki desperately but he looked at me just as troubled as I.

I gulped. "I'm sorry everyone, err...wolf, but... I think you have the wrong person. I don't have any super powers or what ever you are talking about. I just..DON'T have what you need for what ever reason!" Every wolf stared at me with big eyes either expressing disbelief or despair.

I looked down, my cheeks burning.

Loki's fingers gingerly slipped into mine, grasping my hand comfortingly.

The frost wolves started murmuring among themselves."How can she not be the One?" "Did we really waste our time protecting her?" "How are we going to win the final battle now?!" "We are going to perish!" "But Kaztu was after her too..." "She HAS to be the One! Other wise, why was she sent here?"

The Alpha raised his tail for silence. His eyes stared steadfastly into mine. "If you do not remember how to use your power, then you are useless to the pack. Unless you find a way to bring out your power, we need you to help us stop the uprising of rouges out for revenge. They are growing stronger, we need all the power we have to overcome them before they destroy us."

The Alpha turned his back, ready to go back in his cave. "The power IS in you, I can feel it, but just barely." he glimced back. "You just need to awaken that power deep inside you." With a final flick of the tail he retreated into his cave.

There was a moment of silence before the wolves started clambering off. Darsvk approached us.

"We don't know what to think." he said. "The One or not, you are still our guest. We have a place prepared for the two of you to sleep. Please follow me."

I could tell that Darsvk was also disappointed by the news, even though he did very well to hide it. It me feel like a failure even more.

We arrived at our cave and Darsvk explained a few things to us then left us alone. I laid down on our rolled out bed and closed my eyes. There was silence for a moment before Loki decided to join me.

I could feel his calm breath along my neck, making goose-bumps trail up my spine. "Tell me what's wrong." he whispered in my ear.

Everything is wrong, I feel like a failure! I have no powers...

Loki put his arm around me grabbing hold of my hand, pressing his body close to mine. "You know it would be better if you just told me. I can't read minds very well."

I felt tears wielding up in my eyes, being overwhelmed with being held at such a high standard only to let them down and realize the truth.

Loki tightened his grip around me, pressing into me, his lips along my cheek. He whispered even lower, "I am here for you, just let me in..." he kissed my cheek.

Something sparked in me, but only for a second. But that one second made me feel alive, that there was more to discover in this place for me.

A single tear streamed down, "Thank you Loki." I whispered back.

"Anytime" he murmured. "Would you like to go to my palace now that they Frost wolves seem to be done with us? Oh wait, that isn't a choice... You have no choice but to go because I am the one looking after you."

"Your palace?" I said, "I would love to. I've never been in one before."

"Wonderful" Loki chuckled softly.

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