| xi | if i loved you

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I think that the italicized parts might soon be bits from the future. Alternating POV. Tell me what you think!

xi~i would know normality if i let myself (love you).


Grayson always thought that he was the only one. Now he knows the truth; he may be alone, but he is alone on the same level that others are.

He sees it in the eyes of the popular boy in the group with him and Will. Ian comes into the class with his head down and his face flaming. In his hands is their assigned novel, clutched tightly in white fingers. He sits down quickly and heavily; the entire desk shakes under his weight.

"Where are you guys?"

Will glances up from his own meticulously annotated copy of Les Misérables, only to be greeted by confusion. Grayson is lost too, he looks up from his math homework (due the next class).


"In the book," Ian flips open the book in his hand. There are creases in the cover from being mishandled, and to both the blond boys' surprise, Ian flips the book to a point that neither of them have reached yet. He looks up and meets their eyes; Grayson notes his bloodshot, puffy eyes. "Spoiler alert, Fantine dies."

"Wait, really? But she's getting better..." Will wonders aloud. Ian nods.

"Yeah. She found out that Monsieur Madeline was that prisoner guy from the beginning and she died of the shock or something."

"Monsieur Madeline is Jean Valjean?" Grayson has just reached the point of Monsieur Madeline being introduced. He is very confused-Fantine still seems such a minor character to him.

"Uh, Ian-"


"Is everything... alright?" Will seems hesitant, but Ian just shrugs and gives a crooked smile (Grayson has grown to know that smile over the past week; he knows that the smile means something sincere).

"I just really liked Fantine," he says. In the far corner of the room, there is a loud noise and the sound of preteen laughter. Ian looks over and reddens. Grayson follows the boy's glance to see one of the football players with a hand in his crotch. The football player then lifts his hand ever so slowly, keeping his eyes trained on Ian, before snatching back to the conversation.

Grayson understands, but says nothing. Ian and Will are discussing Fantine. He remembers what he saw in Ian's eyes... He saw hopelessness laced with determination to prove himself wrong. He has seen it in Will's eyes as well, and realizes that it is something that all of them have in common.

Grayson thinks that he could see a future here. A future with the three of them. Who knows? Maybe that daunting sadness will leave their eyes for good.


Erin wakes up to a cold bed and warm disappointment. On the side where Grayson slept, the bed is neatly made and the pillows fluffed. Where Erin is, the blankets are twisted around her feet and middle, rendering her nearly immobile.

She untangles herself and stretches carefully-a night away from Phil still means a morning of soreness. Her clothing is kind of smelly, but she has no other option. After using the hair band around her wrist to fasten her hair behind her head, Erin slowly pads her way down the stairs.

Grayson is sitting on the couch. The television is not on, but there is uneaten cereal in his hand. Erin sighs; he is still thinking about the night before. Not wanting to disturb him, she takes a careful seat beside him. The cushions sink towards her and he is suddenly staring at her. She catches the strangest look in his eye, as if she caught him thinking about something naughty.

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