| xv | i'm not anywhere

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xv~ i'm not off breaking you, not anymore.

Stephanie probably should have worn something better to school on the day that she met Duke. However, as it is one of her self-proclaimed 'bad day's, she is simply in baggy jeans and an oversized windbreaker. Her face is clear of make-up and her drab brown hair is harshly pulled away from her face. Her books are neat in her arms even while she feels as if there is a war inside her bloodstream.

In third period, she drops her pencil case and writing utensils fly everywhere in the classroom. She hears a few snickers from the back of the class. Flaming, she reaches to pick up a pen that happens to be a particular favorite of hers. However, just as she is so close to grasping for it, someone else takes it and places it in her outstretched hand. She looks up to see the smiling face of a rather snarky boy who sits in the back. He seems like a nice guy who just happens to be tired of the bullshit they preach in public schools.

"Do you have everything?" He asks. Stephanie reels back, realizing that she's staring.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks."

Her heart sinks as she watches him stalk back to his lonely place in the far corner of the classroom. He is... good looking, at the least. Far more so than she can ever hope to be. His dark, curly hair is cropped close to his head and his skin reminds her of the way hardwood floors feel when they have been warmed by sunlight. His smile splits his face in half-slightly crooked, but attractively so. His eyes slightly droop, like a puppy's. They are nearly the same black as his hair.

Class begins and Stephanie does her best to focus. However, her mind wanders anyway, wondering how this boy she just met can cheer her up so much. She went from having one of her worst days to suddenly feeling as though the sky is inside of her heart. It is a strange and not entirely unwelcome feeling.

The minute that class ends, Stephanie gathers all of her pencils, pens, highlighters, and who knows what else. She holds them in her hand. Unfortunately, her pencil case is unsalvageable. And her hand is a little small to hold everything.

Then he returns. "Do you need some help?" He asks. Stephanie nods, suddenly feeling as if the inside of her mouth is very dry. He takes half of the pencils and divides them between his hands. She shifts the textbook she holds in her other hand and avoids his eyes.

"I've seen you before. What's your name?" She finally manages. The kid laughs. "What?"

"We've gone to school together since preschool," he tells her. Stephanie blushes. "I'm Duke."

"I'm Stephanie," it is the only response she can think of.

"I knew that," he curses and retraces his words, "Sorry, that sounded weird. I just-you're really smart..." it's Duke's turn to blush. Stephanie thinks his stuttering is preciously charming.

"Thank you."

Too soon, Stephanie realizes that she has arrived at her class. Duke seems to realize this, for he carefully gives her all of her writing stuff back. Once she has it all, she rocks back and forth on her feet.

"Well, good-"

"Wait," Duke interrupts. He is blushing again, and one hand is buried inside of his curls. "Steph, I-um..."

"Out with it," she laughs, "I have to go to class." She likes that he called her 'Steph'. She has no friends, and her parents barely seem to know that she exists.

"Look, I've kinda liked you for a while... I guess what I'm saying is... uh... do you want to grab some ice cream or coffee after school? I mean, if you don't like coffee or ice cream I understand, but-"

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