| xiii | him

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xiii~you know who deserves none of your games? him.


Erin smiles into her veil. Her dress falls prettily around her body, and her hair is meticiously done to hold in the tiara-like base of her crown. It was Madie's when she got married, and it is now her something borrowed. Her something blue is her dress. It is the palest of blues, specifically not white to represent the trials she overcame in her childhood. She did not emerge a virgin, but she emerged victorious. Her something new is the dainty necklace that drapes around her collarbones; a gift from Leala. Her something old... she has nothing of the sort, and she wants no reminder of her past life.

The music cue sounds, and she nearly squeals from excitement. She is almost thirty, but the girlish reaction to her wedding day is not something that is like to leave a girl, no matter how old. She steps through the doors gracefully. Her hand is sweating against Ian's tuxedo, but he does not shake her off. While happy, she is also nervous. She looks up at her old friend, who winks.

Ian's ten-year-old daughter is leading the procession, delicate blue petals flying from her hand. They land among the crowd, a fairly small group of her friends-no, her family. There is a priest standing up at the altar, waiting for the bride. Erin cannot see through her veil, but she wants desperately to know of her groom's reaction.

The priest has a slow, tiresome voice, but Erin has expected this. She still can hardly see through her veil, so Ian leads her hand to take her husband-to-be's. He kisses her on her forehead (although, through the veil. Erin wonders why he forgets to lift it) and steps away. She has now been given to her fiancé.

He squeezes her hand and she presses back eagerly. She can hardly wait to hear those long-awaited words. When she was little, she would watch her favorite movie and swear up and down that she and the love of her life would not end up like Tony and Maria. She will find the boy for her and keep him close to her heart. Well, she lost that first chance on a cold February day. She will not lose this one.

Finally, finally, the words come. "Do you take Erina Jasmín Nunez to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?"

A male voice says, "I do."

"Do you take Grayson Daniel Carin to be your-"

In her shock, the words being said become a blur. Erin is confused. Her mind is racing. Suddenly, the world seems to close around her. No, this cannot be happening. This is the wrong name. He promised to leave me alone.

Her veil is lifted, revealing the coy smile that she has not seen in twelve years. Her mouth hangs open; she knows that she is now staring at him in abject horror.

"I now declare you husband and wife!" The priest says. The congregation cheers behind them, but still Erin's head is spinning. When did she say 'I do'?

Grayson leans in close. His skin is baby smooth and his eyes still young and bright. "You needed something old.. I hope I did not disappoint."

Erin wakes up screaming.


Erin likes Ian. He is friendly and knowing without being obnoxious about it. When she sees him after their episode under the bleachers, he is with Grayson and Will and Madie. He gives her a good-natured wink. It warms her from the inside out.

It takes longer for Will to diffuse into their group, but still he manages. Suspicious, Erin observes his relationship with Madie. They seem rather close, but not strangely so. Erin is perhaps a little disappointed by this. She selfishly thinks that if Madie and Grayson break up, maybe she will have her chance with him.

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