Part 1: Jocelyn

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*knock knock*

"WHat!" I yelled as I was awoken before my alarm went off.  No answer. "What?!" I yelled louder. "Wake up honey you're gonna be late for school." My mom eagerly called behind my shut door. God damn it, it was the first day of school man how I wished I could get out of that hell hole but no I had one more year left thank god I was already a junior.

I got up looking in the mirror as usual seeing my hair sticking out in random places. I went to my drawer picking out a pastel blue shirt with black shorts and black lace leggings under them I thought I looked good in. As I walked to the restroom I noticed how untamed my hair really was once I set the brush in braking the handle off. "Ughhh can this day get any worse!" I strongly mumbled as I rummaged through the cabinets looking for another brush my alarm finally went off making me jump and hitting myself on the head with the cabinet door. I let out a long sigh hoping for this day to just fly by.

I finally got ready and walked down the stairs from my home. The warm sun rising afar in the east. On my way to school the radio was blasting with some Aerosmith hits and me singing along to I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. As we got to the school people mostly freshman gave me stares as to the music I liked and some completing but I didn't care about what people thought I just cared as to what I thought.

•••••••••••••Time skip••••••••••••••

My first three classes were boring since it was the first day the teachers just wanted to talk about rules and try to get to know us better but I just zoned out until someone caught my attention. A boy with dark brown hair walked into class. He seemed to catch every girls attention as he was about six foot tall, brown chocolate eyes, heart warming smile a body so perfectly carved and a voice that would make you melt and make you want to be in their arms forever. I knew he was new since I had never seen him before even though this was a big high school I bet he would've caught my attention at some point. My train of thought was broken when I heard Mrs. Laney my history teacher say my name "Jocelyn raise your hand so our new student Matt can sit next to you." Damn even his name made me feel mushy. WTF WHY AM I FEELING THIS??!!! I then remembered that everyone was staring at me so I shyly raised my hand for him to know where he sat.

The whole way he was coming he never stopped looking in my eyes as if we knew each other all our lives. His eyes kept me in a trance making me want to take off my clo- no no stop Jocelyn I mentally face fisted myself.

"Hey I'm Matt." He said as he sat next to me with a big smile pressed on his lips "h-hi I-I'm j-Jocelyn." I choked out wishing he could choke me with his- nooooo stop what is this feeling in my gut making me want to throw up rainbows.

He just laughed at how nervous I was. I didn't pay much attention the whole period just thinking about him, his smile, his hair, the way his eyes made your knees into jelly.  The last two classes I couldn't pay attention all I kept thinking was Matt man how much I wanted him. I wanted to be his princess. The one he held at night. I wanted him to be MINE and only mine.

At night when I got home I opened my laptop to do homework and a friend request popped up Matt Dixon FUCKKKKKK. I got nervous as I accepted his friend request knowing he probably had a girlfriend already and me probably just stalking him oh god why me???? At this point I just gave up I knew I didn't have a chance with him who would go out with a girl who's such a mess like me I was the least type of person someone would want to go out with.


I nearly shit myself with the sound of a message at one in the morning yet what was I do doing oh yea reading smut. I checked my phone, the brightness all the way up making me squint my eyes until my eyes finally adjusted to the brightness that I saw that Matt had texted me.

Matt: Hey Jocelyn right? :0)
What should I say?? I love you? No.
Me: Hey yea it's Jocelyn you're Matt from history class right?
My hands trembled as I typed that causing me to make multiple mistakes and going back to fix them. I didn't have to wait long enough when my phone ringed again this time it wasn't him it was my internet friend Esperanza but I didn't answer her since I was to busy texting Jaden or at least I thought so since he never returned a text. The whole night I would wake up every hour to check my phone to see if he had texted me but nothing I knew it was never meant to be anyways so I just slept dreaming. Dreaming I was dead and that I could no longer wake up. But then again I didn't wanna be dead because if I were that meant there would be absolutely no chance with Matt at all and man how I was dying to be wrapped in his arms. Him telling me things he would do to me. How I wanted his sweet bite marks on my neck making it visible that I belonged to him I Jocelyn Williams belonged to him. God how badly I wanted him in my arms.  I wanted to feel his breath on my neck. Damn I wanted him badly.

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