"Study" date or faith

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* Jocelyn p.o.v *

As I was walking into third period I noticed Matt was sitting at our desk already twirling a pencil in his hair. "What a dork" I smirked.
I know I'm not supposed to feel this way about him because obviously he doesn't like me, but I can't control it. Whenever I try to distract myself from him my thoughts thirst for more of him and I can't help it.

"Hey Jocelyn in so so so deeply sorry about last night my phone died and when I was going to answer you and I was waiting for it to charge but I fell asleep I'm sorry if you thought I left you hanging it wasn't my intent-"
"You're fine Matt it's nothing I promise," I cut him off.
Who knew that he was so cute when he rambled. Wait? Does that mean he cares? Fuckkkkkk man I can't handle, yes I can, no no no.

"So umm you wanna have a study date tonight at my place I mean you don't have to it's just you know not a big deal I want to make it up to you for last night and will your boyfriend be okay with it?" Matt went on

"A study date would be great! And don't worry I don't have a boyfriend, that shouldn't be surprising," I answered

A STUDY DATE!!!! MATT WANTED TO HAVE A STUDY DATE WITH ME????? In my last few classes I paid zero attention and we had just started out subjects since we only had one day of rules, at least the study date will pay off.

***Time Skip***

"Hey honey what time are you leaving to go to your friend's house?" My mom asked.
"At 6:30 why?" I questioned.
"Well you should start getting ready you only have 47 minutes hun" She walked out.

Only forty fucking seven minutes??!! I don't even know what I'm going to wear! What if I wear something he doesn't like? Okay I have to stop overthinking everything but I can't. I picked out black ripped jeans, an over sized sweater (only a bra under), simple makeup, and a messy bun. It turns out I still had 20 extra minutes so I decided to go to Starbucks (yes I am a basic bitch) and I ordered two hot white chocolate mochas and four cake pops just so we can have a little snack during our "studying". I finally arrived at his home and it was a really nice two story house about two miles from my house. As I walked up to the house I saw the door swing open and a tall shirtless muscular figure appeared in the doorway. For a second I thought probably his brother, but boii was I wrong. It was Matt standing there as if he were waiting for me to arrive. FUCK! Why didn't I wear something more I don't know sexy or something that would make my curves stand out well the ones I wish I had. My eyes were wondering all over him starting from his face down to his chest and leading to wear his V line hit the brim of his shorts and trailing my way back up to meet my eyes to his.

"Hey you actually came!" Matt excitedly broke the silence.

"Yea of course and also I brought you a little something,"I held up the Starbucks bags and drinks.

"Jocelyn you didn't have to we have food and drinks here," He said.

"It's no big deal ok let's just get to studying,"I held out studying out a little longer just to hint it that that's not all I wanted to do.

I noticed that no one was home when we walked into his house it was so silent and I also didn't notice any cars in the driveway. Was everyone asleep? Matt led me up to his room and to my surprise it was the master bedroom. Perfect. I sat down on his incredibly comfy bed and faced him. The door was shut and I really wanted him to just do me already but I had to be patient yet I didn't want to be. We studied for a while and laughed and joked. We finished our Starbucks and just talked about things that we liked until the topic got to sex. I confessed that I was still a virgin and that I've only had a first kiss. He awkwardly confessed that he wasn't a virgin. I just smiled at him and told him it was okay since we all aren't perfect.

We were in the middle of watching a show when my phone buzzed

Mom: Hey Jocelyn your father and I have to leave town do you think your friend will let you stay over for some days or they can go over?
"Umm...Matt, my mom said that she's leaving town with my dad for a couple days, she asked if I can stay over for a couple days or you could come over to my house if you want you don't have to say yes,"I asked whilst staring at my fidgeting thumbs. Silence.I looked up to his face light up with a big smile

"Of course my parents won't be home for a while either they go in and out of town whenever they feel like it." He answered.

Me: My friend said it's fine mom
Mom: That's great see you in a while hun
My own mother just made my day and thank the gods that Matt's parents were out too. We got back to watching the tv when I notice Matt from my peripheral vision just staring at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing just noticing how beautiful you look in that oversized sweater and those ripped jeans of yours," he smirked devilishly.

"S-stop you're making me blush," I said with a burning red shade in my face.

"That's exactly what I want Jocelyn, when you said that you didn't have a boyfriend I had to have you but someone like you most likely doesn't like someone like me." Matt said.

"Matt ever since I saw you I've been wanted to be in your arms," and to show him that I truly wanted him I pushed him back on the bed with my lips on his, his left hand on my left hip while the other one was lowering us slowly. My knees on each side of his thighs making me the dominant partner and my hands on the side of his face falling perfectly on his chiseled cheek.
*********To Be Continued **********

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