The Mummy AU

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Here is another AU that me and my friend MasKed_Lion206 came up with :3

Pairing ( MiniRiser but with Bottom Brian!!)

Don't like don't read plain and simple. Enjoy :3


Brian knew he should had brought his friends along on this vacation to explore the tombs here in Egypt. The sun beat down on Brian and he knew he was going have a sunburn after this trip, but he had sunscreen on to help with it. Even though there was alot of sand, Brian thought it was beautiful place and as kid he wanted to explore the tombs and stuff. One of his college teachers told him of a unexplored tomb that nobody really knows about except him and Brian. His teacher give him a map to this so called unexplored tomb. It was out in the middle of the dessert and too far for a hospital if Brian got hurt or anything. But Brian kept driving until he spots something in the distance that wasn't supposed to be there, he drives faster and he closer to it and it was huge statue of some kind. At of all the classes he has took for Ancient Egypt, it never told anything about this strange statue. It was beautiful and aged, he gets out of the Jeep and walks over the Statue.

"Hey you can't be here, this is cursed grounds you are standing on!!" Says a voice

Brian turns and sees a man in Black clothing. It was the same man he ran into early. What was his name... Evan Fong??

"Why is it Cursed grounds??" Brian says looking at the man.

"Because, the Crazy King that once rule this part of Egypt, he killed a bunch of his men and was sentenced to be buried alive under the sands and some say he still walks amongst​the living even though he is dead." Evan says

"That's Bullshit, to scare me. And I'm scared of some curse. I have done a lot of research on Egyptian legends. I will be fine doing this!" Brian says

"Well... If you stay on this cursed grounds you will never be heard from again!" Evan says and he walks back to his Jeep and leaves.

Brian rolls his eyes at such nonsense and goes back to looking around. As he walks farther, he begins to see what looks like a area filled with palm trees and a little pond. How can this be!?!? Sure back in Ancient times, Egypt had lots of water but now a days it don't. This kinda shocked Brian but he still looks around. He sees what looks like a nice throne that still look good for being aged and all. The torches were lit in the throne, but no one has been here for thosands of years. This is starting to get strange. He wonders if someone is pulling a joke on him but he remembers that nobody is with him, so it couldn't be his friends nor Evan Fong. Brian wondered away from the throne room and headed deeper into this area completely unaware of blue eyes watching his every move...


Brian was down in the unexplored tomb with a flashlight. This tomb was beautiful and looked amazing for how old it was. All of a sudden all the torches lit up for some old reason and it spooks Brian a little. Brian's​ mouth dropped at what he saw next. A really big chamber for this unknown King.

"Who dares to enter my tomb!?!" Says a loud voice

Brian had Goosebumps going down his spine. He turns and looks to where the voice came from. It was young liking Guy with Sandy brown hair and blue eyes. He looks Brian up and down.

"I'm sorry, I just exploring is all!! I'm not here to steal anything, I'm just a student that likes to explore different places and things!" Brian says

The person looks at him with a smirk.

"I can leave if you want me too!?" Brian says trying to leave but the tomb was sealed off with a huge rock in the way of the entrance.

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