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I hope you like this chapter!!

Pairings at the Beginning: TerrorKairiSnuckel, MadWrecker, and VanLil

Pairings at the end: NoglaTerrorKairiSnuckel, H2OMADSWAGWRECKER& VanLilToonz


"I swear Shannon and Brian, why don't you do your chores like you are supposed to!!" Brock says

"Brock, we have been doing our chores!!" Shannon states

"When how come the living room isn't clean yet!!" Brock says

"Hey, we have been trying all day!!" Taylor says

"You're one to talk, Taylor!! You haven't clean our bedroom yet!!" Ryan says

"And Lil hasn't clean the bathrooms either!!" Evan says

"We are trying our best, Okay!!" Taylor says defending her friends

"God, why did we even get married!!" Brock says

"Excuse me!!" Shannon and Brian say starting to get tears in their eyes

"I swear you four, I wish we didn't even met!!" Evan and Ryan say

The four dropped their stuff on the floor and ran upstairs to Taylor's room and slams the door!! Taylor tries to calm her friends but it wasn't working and she ended up crying with them! Why would Brock Evan and Ryan say those hurtful things to them? They had done everything for Brock Ryan and Evan and it still wasn't good enough for them!!

"Why are you four upset?" Says a voice

The four friends look up and sees three strangers in Taylor's bedroom window! One was very tall, had black hair and brown eyes, the next one red/Brown hair and brown eyes,  one had Crystal blue eyes and had a half mask on over his eyes and the last one look like a vampire with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair!!

"We are upset that our Boyfriends were saying hurtful things to us!!" Taylor says

"Well, why don't you four come with us and we can be your new lovers! Names David and these are brothers Luke Jonathan and Swag Dragula!" David says holding out his hand for the four

"I'm Taylor and these are my friends Shannon Brian and Lil!!" Taylor says

Brian and Shannon took David's hand while Lil took Luke's hand and Taylor took Swag Dragula And Jonathan's hand and they disappeared from the bedroom to a beautiful castle beside a huge Labyrinth!

"It's beautiful here!!" The four say

"Not as beautiful as you four are~" David and his brothers say

The four blushes at their comment, the brothers seem like good guys but looks can kill!! They actually had a evil plan for the four but they were being nice to the four for a bit!!

"There is your room for the four of you, we have to go do something right quick and we will be back before you know it!!" David says

"There is something for you to wear if you want to!!" Luke says

The four friends went inside and closed the door unaware of something bad about to happen to them!! The four see the outfit and somehow, they were under a spell and they put the short dresses on. Shannon was wearing a cute light green dress, Brian was in a baby blue dress, Lil was in a purple dress and Taylor was in a sky blue dress!!

"These dresses are beautiful on us!" The four say


Brock Evan and Ryan felt really bad for what they said to their lovers an decided to go upstairs and tell them their sorry for what they said, they entered Taylor's room, the four were nowhere in sight!! They looked everywhere for their lovers.

Terrorsnuckel/Other Pairings yaoi One shots & AU Where stories live. Discover now