Paranormal Falls!!!

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Here is another chapter of my book!! And this a Gravity Falls AU kinda of!!

Pairings: TerrorKairiSnuckel WildRubyLadd VanLilToonz and H20MADWRECKER

Moo Snuckel_ a Spider monster
Cartoonz_ Bill Cipher


Four couples were on vacation in a place called Paranormal Falls. The four couples were Shannon and Brian, Taylor and Jonathan, Evan and Lil, and Ruby and Tyler. This place was known for strange things and creatures, that you won't see. Tyler had a uncle, who own a cabin that he let the four couples use while they stay there. Brian had Shannon in his lap watching TV and cuddling. Evan and Lil were out in the backyard laying on blanket under the stars. Taylor and Jonathan were upstairs sleeping. And Ruby and Tyler were in the shower together. Brian noticed that Shannon had fallen asleep, so he turns off the TV and carries her to their bedroom and went to bed... The four were unaware that they were being watched from the distance!

~The Next day!!~

The girls decided to have a girls day out, and the guys did the same thing. The girls knew there was a lake nearby the cabin that nobody went to for some reason. Anyway the girls started walking through the woods to the lake!!

"It's so beautiful out here today!!" Shannon says in her green one piece swimsuit

"A good day to go swimming!!" Lil and Ruby say

"But doesn't it seem a little quiet in this forest?" Taylor asked

The four girls stopped and noticed that no animals were roaming around, it was way too quiet..

"Yeah, maybe we should just go to the pool!!" Shannon and Lil say

"But we are half way to the lake!" Ruby yells

The girls decided to go to the lake but they ended up getting lost and they didn't know this part of the forest!

"Damn it we should have bought a map!!" Taylor yells

"Maybe we can help you girls out~" says a male voice

The girls turned and see four hot guys standing, they blushed as the guys walked closer to them.

"For a price that is~" says a guy in a red suit and tie

"Such beautiful girls~" says a guy with brown hair and green eyes

"Where are our manners, I'm Craig, the guy with green eyes is Brock, the guy in there'd suit is Luke, the guy in grey is Ryan. We haven't seen you girls around here before?" Craig says looking over at Ruby with interest

"Oh I'm Ruby or Deanna and these are my friends Shannon Taylor and Wendy or Lil for short. We are here with our lovers at the old Paranormal Shack that my boyfriend's uncle is letting use for our Vacation!!" Ruby says

The four guys had their hands into fists and the girls were worried about these four guys for some reason..

"Is your boyfriend related to a game named Jack or Uncle Jack??" Luke asked

"Why yes he is!!" Deanna says

"Uncle Jack is such a nice man.." Craig says in a tone that the girls didn't like

Then Shannon spoke up.

"Well, I guess we will be going back to the shack now. It was nice meeting you guys!" Shannon says

"But who says that we are going to let you beautiful girls go~" Brock and Ohm says

Then the girls back slowly away and seen these transformed into Monsters except for Craig, whose eyes turn white. Ruby and Taylor grabs Shannon and Lil's wrists and they started running from them and the four girls ended up going different ways!!

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