Another Harry Potter AU

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Here is another chapter that H2Ocosmicpsycho asked for!! Hope you like it!!!

Pairings: TerrorKairiSnuckel, CosmicVan, TaylorWrecker, KayleeLadd and RubyCat


Shannon was sitting on the train going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. This was her first year going and she was very nervous and shy. Just then she hears a Irish accent at the door to the seating area.

"Excuse me but can me and my friends sit with you!"

"O-of course you can!" Shannon stutters

Two boys and two girls came in and put there stuff on the shelves above them. The Irish lad introduce him and his friends. His name was Brian, then Brock the boy beside and then Taylor beside Shannon and then Ruby. They all were very nervous about being first years at Hogwarts Brian and Brock blushes as Shannon talks about her parents both being witch/wizards. Brian was half blood and Brock was muggle born but study a lot about it and was kinda of a nerd. Taylor and Ruby were very excited about this. They were half bloods as well.

~ Sorting Hat Time ~

"When I call your name please come up here and sit down on this chair and the sorting hat will decide on where you can go... Shannon Cipher!!" Says Ms. Moadie

Shannon goes up to the chair and sits down.


"Evan Fong!!"


"Brian Hanby!!"


"Kaylee Aries!!"


"Cosmic Psycho!!"


"Tyler Wilde!!"


"Brock Snuckel!!"


"Ruby Rose!!"


"Ryan Wrecker!!"


"Taylor Hatter!!"


"Craig Thompson!!"


And the rest of the first years were sorted and Dumbledor tells the first years about the dangers of the forbidden forest and the third floor corridor. Everyone began to eat..

~ a month down the road ~

Brian was getting pissed off at the homework that Snape gives him. This caused Shannon and Brock chuckled at his rage.

"Shut up you two and help me, damn it!!" Brian says as his friends help him

Just then they see Cosmic and Evan causing trouble at the Hufflepuff table, and they hear Tyler Wilde their best yelling at Evan.

"Mind your own business, Fong and leave my girlfriend alone!!"

"Well, she shouldn't have made the comment in Potions about my Girlfriend!!" Evan hisses back

Brian and his friends sigh as they those kept on fighting over and over. Ryan,Taylor,Kaylee and Craig came over to their group to get away from the noise and helped each other with their homework...

~five years later~

Brian and his friends grew up a lot in the last five years. Shannon turned into a beautiful girl in Brian and Brock's eyes. Taylor and Ryan were a lot crazier. Kaylee and Craig became a couple in year 4. Evan and Cosmic still caused trouble around the school. Tyler and Ruby had been dating for Five years now. Brian stares down at his homework when Shannon and Brock came up to him and sat by him. Brian blushes and keeps his eyes down at the paper. When he feels Brock's hand rubs him through his jeans and Brian bites his lip in order to not moan out loud.

"Brian you wanna go somewhere private?" Brock asked him

They head to the abandoned old girls bathroom. Brock and Shannon pushes Brian up against the wall and attacks him with kisses. Let's just say that Shannon and Brock made him whimper in pleasure.


Hope you guys like this!!

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