Twin Mermaids & Twin Sea Wizards~

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Here is another chapter of this book, I hope you like it!!

Pairings: TerrorKairi and CookieSnuckel(my friend DaCookiegal)

Shannon's Bra and tail:

Shannon's Bra and tail:

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Cookie's bra and tail:

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Cookie's bra and tail:

Cookie's bra and tail:

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(Cookie and Myself are 18 and are twins in this story!!)

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(Cookie and Myself are 18 and are twins in this story!!)


Most merpeople quiet and peaceful, well for a King and his Queen just give birth to twins girls and they named them Shannon and Cookie. They were the most beautiful mermaids in the Seven seas. Then their Female Octopus Mage had also give birth to twin boys and she named them Brock and Brian. They lived in peace in the Kingdom of Atlantic, that is until the Female Mage stole the King's Triton spear or well tried to and she was forbidden to be in the Kingdom and was sent to a sea cave with her two twin son's to live out her days there. But she would get her revenge someday.

~17 years later~

"Shannon, Cookie time for breakfast!!" Their mother Sarah called for them

Two beautiful girls yawned and stretched and they got out of their beds. The difference between Shannon and Cookie was their eyes. Shannon had hazel while Cookie had normal brown eyes. Shannon had shoulder length brown and Cookie had longer brown hair. Today was a special day for two girls, because it was the day that they could go explore because they were now 18 years old and didn't need guards with them whenever they went to different kingdoms. They had on their awesome bras that Cookie made for them both, Shannon had sea flowers covered on her bra with sea pearls and diamonds on it. Cookie's bra had gold chains with sea flowers and diamonds as well. Their Mother came into the room and smiles at her beautiful baby girls.

"Come on your Father is waiting on you two!" Sarah says


Two twin boys were waking up and sighed softly getting the sleep out of their eyes. Their mother had died when they turned 16 two years ago but they were raised to be evil. The difference between Brian and Brock was that, Brian had red hair and blue eyes while Brock had dark chocolate hair and green eyes!! They had made so many deals with different merpeople it wasn't even funny. But them being 18 now, they wanted to do something evil just like their mother taught them to be. They looked into their Crystal ball and see two cute girls with crowns on their heads and they smirked at each other!

"You thinking what I'm thinking brother of mine~" Brock says

"Oh yes I am dear brother, we visited the King Queen and their sexy daughters~" Brian says

~Shannon and Cookie~

After getting done with the small party that the King and Queen did for their daughters, the girls got some carry bags to take with them. Their Mother had told them of sunken ships that might have treasure in them, so the girls wanted to go do that today!! But they noticed how quiet it got in the palace and two girls Decided to look around and make sure everything was okay. They get to the throne room and they were shock to see their parents died on the floor and they looked around saw no guards around but then they felt hands on their waists and tentacles.

"My my what beautiful ladies we see brother~" says a voice behind Shannon

"Indeed my brother~" says a voice behind Cookie

The girls Struggled in the strangers grips on them but they were alot stronger than the girls.

"What do you want??" Shannon whimpers

"Your parents ain't died just knocked with a spell of ours~"

The girls were turned and they facing towards two hot guys with Octopus lower part of their bodies and they realize that these two were the Evil Mage's son's Brian and Brock!! The girls hits them in the face and swims off to find any kind of help!! But seemed like everyone in the Kingdom was knocked out and the girls didn't know what to do.

"Cookie, I'm scared!!" Shannon whimpers

"Don't worry I will figure something out!" Cookie says

"Figure what out?"

The two Sea wizards were right beside the girls and they tried to swim away from them but tentacles grabs them before they could move.

"The names Brian and this is my twin brother Brock and your names are Shannon and Cookie~" Brian says

"What do you want with us?" Cookie asked

"For you to be ours~" Brock says

With the snap of the fingers, the girls we're knocked out. Brian and Brock takes a potion bottles out of nowhere and puts it down the girls throats, it made the girls forget about where they came from but it would make the girls think they were mates to Brian and Brock!

~Some time later~

Shannon and Cookie woke up with a terrible headache. They looked around and saw they were in a dark room on a very soft bed.

"Hello loves~" says Brian and Brock

"Brian!! Brock!!!" The girls say giggling hugging their boyfriends

"Did you girls have a good nap?" Brian asked

"Yes, but we have a slight headache." The girls whimpered

"Here take this, it will help with the headache!" Brock says

The girls drank the potion and hugs their lovers and puts heads between their necks.  Brian and Brock blush slightly at this because they had never been loved on or hugged before and they put their arms around their waists and kissed the top of the girls heads.

"You know that we love you don't our little Princesses~" Brock and Brian say

"Yes Brian and Brock!!" The girls giggled

"That's good to hear!" The guys say

They held their beautiful lovers in their arms and kisses them on the lips passionately and they all laid down on the soft bed and soon the girls fell asleep in the guys arms and the guys sighed and they fell asleep as well. The girls never knew about their past lives as Princesses of the beautiful Kingdom, they were very happy with Brian and Brock.


I hope you like it!!

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