Chapter 20

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No More Sad Songs, Little Mix


Those people who hurt you the most,
Can teach you a lesson on life.

Chapter 20.

"Come on man, I came here only because you mentioned food!" Heidi whines, "If you had told me we were going shopping I would have stayed home."

Paige pushes her in the direction of the nearest clothing rack. "That is the reason I lied, now go find something pretty! We're going to a party, you two need a serious makeover."


Scoffing, I fold my arms, turning away from her. "I don't need a new look, thank you very much!"

Heidi dismisses my comment with a wave of her hand, "I am not going to a party, Aadil and my father wouldn't be happy if I went to one!"

Paige shrugs, "Then don't tell them about it. Just pack up and tell em you stayin' at my place."

"What if we get caught?"

"What if we don't?" Paige offers, grinning cheekily. "Come on, it's all gonna work out perfectly."

I shake my head, taking a step back from her. "Paige seriously, my dad is going through so much. I need to be there and-"

"Come on, live a little!" Paige exclaims, holding her arms out. "You left your dad alone before, come out for a bit and just chill. Have a great time!"

Heidi taps her foot against the floor, looking from me to Paige. Whatever decision I make, Heidi will most likely follow. I don't want to look after dad all the time, I want a break even if it does seem selfish..

"Yeah.. okay, fine."

Paige throws her arms around me, squeezing. "This is going to be so fun! The party is next week and we are going to have a great time!"

"Why are we picking stuff out now if it's next week?" I question with a groan.

"Because all of the good stuff could be out by then, I want to be ready!"

For the next hour or so Paige has us pick out a couple of different outfits. Heidi struggles a lot more than we do, it's clear she doesn't want to wear anything too short or revealing. Something that is traditional and conservative.

Unfortunately, the shop Paige has chosen doesn't have those types of clothing. So we go to a couple of different places before she finds the perfect outfit. Then we head to the place she thought we were going originally, the food court.

Taking a seat at a table on the right, Paige sits beside me. "So, where this party at and who is gonna be there?"

She takes a sip from her drink, reflecting on my questions. "Pretty much some seniors and juniors, a couple of sophomores maybe and I doubt any freshman are gonna be there."

Before I can ask her my first question again, Heidi hurries over places her bag on the table. "Okay, when does the party start? I need to know around what time I should leave to go to your place."

"You can't go to my house, I ain't gonna be there. Then my abuela will know I was lyin', I'm gonna say I am spending the night with Noelle. She'll be cool with that."

Heidi sighs, massaging her temples repeatedly. "Okay, this is gonna blow up in our faces and we all gonna be in so much trouble."

"Relax, it'll be fine!" Paige reassures, patting the back of her hand. "It'll all work out."

"I don't get why you even wanna go to this party so bad. You never go to parties." I state, stealing one of Heidi's fries.

"Look, it's our junior year and we should loosen up a bit. Be more out there! It'll be so much fun!"

Heidi continues to eat her fries, subtly glancing over in my direction. She's not buying it, and neither am I. There is definitely some guy involved in all of this. But who?

Neither of us bring it up and we change the topic. Paige never seems to mention whose house the party is being held at, even after we leave the food court. Knowing her it's the house of someone I have an issue with, just hope it's not Violet. The last thing I need is to be face to face with that boyfriend stealer again.

Can not steal what never belonged to you in the first place.. In the end, he was just never mine to keep. But how long until I can wholeheartedly believe that I couldn't have done anything to change the outcome?

"Earth to Noelle!" Heidi waves her hand in front of my face, her bug eyes staring me down for an unnervingly long amount of time.

"Sorry, yeah I'm coming."

Quickly walking past her to avoid any unnecessary questioning, I catch up with Paige. She links her arm with mine and Heidi comes up beside me, looking as though she still wanted to question me. Please don't let her..

For once when I say that I'm okay or when I pretend that everything is fine, I want for someone to believe it. For someone to not be able to look at me and tell that I'm falling apart. For a minute I'll pretend that everything is okay.

That nothing in the world has been able to tear me into pieces.. But it has, and still is. The question is when will it end?

 The question is when will it end?

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Thank you so much for reading this chapter, it really means a lot to
me! What do you guys think
of Paige?

Can't wait to see all your comments and read all of your opinions.

Love you all.

( ˘ ³˘)❤

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