Chapter 31

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Nightingale, Demi Lovato


Don't always listen to what people say,
They could just be lying to your face.

Chapter 31.

 "For starters, you have your pool stick backwards." Isaac remarks, leaning against the wall.

Rolling my eyes I readjust the stick, leaning over the table I shove the pool stick at the white ball and it goes straight into the nearest hole. Isaac shakes his head, he pulls off his jacket and tosses it onto the table across from us. Oh great.

He takes the pool stick from me and retrieves the ball from out the hole. Setting it back onto the table, he lines up his shot and aims in a precise manner. He manages to knock three balls into the hole.

"Congratulations," I clap dramatically, rolling my eyes. "You're good with balls."

"Never say that again."

A giggle slips past my lips and his cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. Isaac clears his throat and gestures for me to move forward. Helping me position the pool stick, he continues to try and teach me a few more times.

"Okay, so move the stick exactly how I showed you."

Making sure to aim correctly I knock the white ball into an orange one, which goes straight in front of the hole. Turning to smile at Isaac, he gives me a curt nod. We eventually play a game, and needless to say I lost. But by the look of joy on his face, and the feeling of happiness swelling inside of me, this is the biggest win of all. Happiness.

  Isaac tosses a blanket in my direction, and I drape it over my shoulders

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  Isaac tosses a blanket in my direction, and I drape it over my shoulders. Curling up on the couch, he disappears into his bedroom, the door slamming behind him. Everything was okay when we got back to his place, I didn't wanna go home, and he was reluctant at first to bring me here, but he ended up giving in to my request. When we first got here he wasn't in a foul mood, what's changed?

Getting off the couch the blanket drags me behind me as I hurry to his room, jiggling the knob expecting the door to be locked, it turns out not to be. Entering the room to see the lights turned off and Isaac laying on his bed, I frown. Walking over to the side Isaac is laying on, I sit at the edge.

"What's wrong?"

He turns away from me, pulling the covers tighter around himself. "It's none of your business."

"Come on, I thought we were finally getting along and-"

"Get out, the only reason you're even in here is the stupid promise you made anyways."

Hopping off of the bed, I glare down at his figure. "First off I'm in here because I care, I'm not the heartless person you seem to enjoy making me out to be!"

"Wait, that's not-"

"Forget it, I'll be out of your way in the morning."

I leave the room before he gets the chance to say anything else, closing the door behind me. Trudging over to the couch I lay down, hugging my knees to my chest, I pull the blanket further around me. Looking out at the window I sit up slightly, the stars practically lighting up the sky.

"He's been dead for a week."

My neck snaps in Isaac's direction and I move my feet so that he can sit down. He leans back against the couch and picks at the cotton coming out of the sofa. "I still can't believe he's gone, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and feel around in the bed. Hoping to just see his little bald head, or hear his loud snores."

Slowly moving to place my hand on top of his, I observe him. "I'm sure he's very proud of you, even though you may be falling apart right now, you're alive. That's what really matters."

He scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah, I guess so."

"When are you going to bury him?"

"Gotta get the money for it first."


"If you need anything, I'll help you out." I reassure him, taking my hand away.

Isaac nods, his eyes glazed over. "I'll keep that in mind."

"We should get some sleep."

"Yeah, okay... Noelle?"


"You're a good friend."

Getting off of the couch, he sends a weak smile my way, before heading towards his bedroom and closing the door behind him. Laying back down I glance once more at the night sky, I'm his friend? Hell definitely must have frozen over.

 Laying back down I glance once more at the night sky, I'm his friend? Hell definitely must have frozen over

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Thank you so much for reading this chapter, it really means a lot to
me! What do you think of their newfound friendship?

Can't wait to see all your comments and read all of your opinions.

Love you all.

( ˘ ³˘)❤

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