Chapter 26

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Drugs, Eden


If you don't move on from the past,
You'll never know what you have.

Chapter 26.

Turning down the radio, I turn in my seat to look at Isaac. "So was the whole purpose of that was to teach me that in life you shouldn't hesitate? That once you hesitate, things can go wrong and that-"

The corners of Isaac's mouth form into a smirk, "There really wasn't a purpose to begin with if I'm being honest. Honestly I just wanted to watch you fail for a little bit, thought it was funny."

"You're such a sweetheart, you know that?"

"No one has ever called me that."

"And no one genuinely ever will."

He chuckles, "Thanks, Noelle."

"No problem."

Pulling into the parking lot of Gavin's elementary school, we sit in silence. The only thing that can be heard is the radio playing. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel, his main focus is on the window.

I turn down the radio a little bit, and Isaac looks in my direction. "So uh, does Gavin like second grade?"

He nods, turning the music back up. Frowning I turn it back down, unsure of why he doesn't want to speak now. We were doing okay a couple minutes ago.

"When did you first use a gun?"

"You ask a lot of questions.."

"You don't have to answer it if you're not comfortable, I get it."

Isaac leans back in his seat, resting his hands on his stomach. His jaw is set, and I out of guilt can't help but wonder what memories I caused to be resurfaced by that question. Isaac doesn't reply, and I'm sure he's not going to.

"So um, what-"

"Eleven," He whispers, meeting my gaze. "First time I used a gun was age eleven."



Isaac scratches the nape of his neck, offering me a lopsided grin. "You um.. you made my intentions sound a lot better than they were."

I shrug, "That's what I assumed when you kept pushing me around the time we were going to leave."

"You kept hesitating, you didn't just go for it. When it comes to things you aren't certain about, you're always so careful."

"Well I-"

A bell rings and we turn to see a cluster of children running out of the doors. The only child that captured my attention was the only one who had a shiny bald head. Gavin.

We watch silently as he hugs a girl next to him, before racing off in the direction of Isaac's car. Stopping in front of the passenger window, he grins, showcasing a row of missing teeth.

The door behind me opens and he engulfs me in a tight hug. "Noelle, you came to see me! Or w-was it to see my brother?" He giggles, turning to press a sloppy kiss on Isaac's cheek.

Sitting back, Gavin buckles up and tells us about his day. How they got a new student in their class. "His name is Ar-Arthur!"

"W-we had a-animal crackers too, they were delicious!" Gavin rubs his stomach, smiling. "I share with my l-lunch buddy Kee-Keela."

"That was very nice of you," Isaac responds, pulling out of the lot.

He nods in agreement, "I know! She isn't m-my type though."

Isaac peers in the mirror, smirking. "Uh huh, and what is your type?"

"My other lunch bu-buddy Marisa, but she likes Jared because h-he gave her a flower at recess!" Gavin pouts and I giggle at the adorable sight.

He smacks his forehead, "I gave her half of m-my peanut butter co-cookie and some skittles, girls are so picky!"

I place my hand over my heart in an exaggerated manner, making him giggle. Isaac smiles at me and I can't help but return it. I'm so glad I left the house.


By the time I arrive back at the house, my friends are waiting for me. The last thing I want is to be bombarded with questions as to where I was and why I was with Isaac, and by how things played out I guess they knew that. As soon as we enter the house we gather in the living room, and for a while we sit in an awkward silence.

Paige wraps her arms around me and my mood lightens. Heidi places her hand on top of mine and Marcus stands in the doorway, smiling tentatively. In this moment I think they get that I just don't wanna talk about it.. Talk about anything for that matter. All that I really care about is that they're here.

For the majority of the night we sit around, order a pizza, and just watch movies. It's like nothing has changed, that we're the same carefree children we were several years ago. But we're not, well, not all of us at least. I watch as Heidi throws another piece of popcorn into the air, and catches it in her mouth for the third time.

I think I might try to visit Dad tomorrow, check in, see if everything is okay. I haven't heard anything from the doctor, and I'm surprised CPS hasn't gotten involved. After the incident I was certain that they were going to come knocking, and I was gonna have to spin some sort of story. But they haven't, not yet anyways.

What if it turns out that this had nothing to do with his health? That he in fact intended to take his life away, what then? What will happen between us?

Don't think like that, Noelle. Everything is going to be okay.. God, please help me. 


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Thank you so much for reading this chapter, it really means a lot to
me. What do you guys think
of Sebastian?

Can't wait to see all your comments and read all of your opinions.

Love you all.

( ˘ ³˘)❤

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