The forest

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You loved the forest so much. It was your favorite spot to go. You went a little further in the forest and saw a shadow in the distance. It looked like it was lying on a tree trunk. The image looked short from the distance so you decide to get a little closer to the figure. Now you got a little closer it looked about your height.

//oh, btw you are about the figures height, he's not short he's about the height of you when he stands up. But an inch taller.\\

You went more closer to the figure. It was clear to You now that you see the figure is a skeleton.

'Did somebody die here?' you thoughtfully ask yourself. Then you see the skeleton is breathing. He also had his eye-sockets down to make it look like he's sleeping. Surprisingly, he's snoring really softly.

'Aww how cute! ^//.//^ '

He lifted one eye-socket to reveal a white pinprick. (Did I mention the left eye-socket is all glitched out?)

When he saw you he got all deafensive.

"Who are you?! Why are you here?!"

"Woa woa woa. Calm down. I don't mean any harm. I mean, I know your a monster. But I'm not going to hurt you."

"Y-your not?"

"No, why would I do that?"
He looked at the ground with a face like he's upset.

"Oh. Did you have other human problems where you are from?"


"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Nah. Its fine."

"No. It is not fine. Here come to my house I'll get you a place to stay."

"No thanks. I'm good."

"Well, your lazy aren't ya?"

"Eh. Pretty much."
You finally convinced him to stand up. So he did. You looked at him and noticed a huge Stan-like wound.

'Wow this dude is hurt bad.' You thought.

You didn't notice the wound before. Probably cause he was covering it with his arm.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't notice that before. C'me on lets get you to my house. I'll help you there." You were that kind of person where if you see someone with a cut or a terrible wound, you'll want to help them. BAD.

"Waiiiit.......if your a skeleton, how are you bleeding?"

"I get asked that question a lot."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine."

  You were almost close to your home. You could see it.

  You finally arrived at your door. You looked under the mat and saw a key. You unlocked the door and the bothof You went inside.

"Wow. Nice home you got here."

You blush a little. "Thanks."

"Ok come over here."
You lead the skeleton to the bathroom.

"Here sit on this." You have a small stool that he could sit on just not that small. You grab a paper towel and wet it. You place it on the skeleton's wound.

"Oh, I don't think I got your name. What is it?"

"I'm aftertale sans, but some people like to call me geno."

"That's a nice name. I'm (Y/n)."

"Nice to meet ya, (Y/n)."

"You too, geno. :)  So, do you have a home?"

"Not anymore."

You remembered about the extra room you had. You didn't know why it was there, but it finally became usful. "Oh, well you can stay with me until you find a new home."


"Yeah, it gets boaring here without a roommate."

"Ok, I guess."

"Yay! New roomies!" You took a selfie with geno. He half smiled in the picture.
"This one's a keeper!"

"Heh, your so happy-go-lucky kiddo."

"Well I'm just happy because I have a new roommate and it won't be so lonely Here."

"Heh. Well I'm tired, I guess I'm gonna take me a small cat-nap."

"Ok. You can stay in this room over here." You took geno to the extra room you had. Once he was in the room he launched himself on the bed.

"Oh! This bed is so comfy!" He fell strait to sleep.

" *giggle* Sweet dreams, geno." You left geno So he could sleep. Suddenly, you felt tired.

"I guess I'm going to take a nap myself." You walked to your room, layed on your bed, and fell asleep.

    ~to be continued~

A/n: So this is the end of this first chapter. Was it good? I hope you liked it. Have a nice day! Byee!! ;3

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