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Did Yugyeom expect to freeze and say nothing in front of BamBam when they see each other at the airport? Of course no– Well, maybe a little.

It's not Yugyeom's fault, though, that BamBam comes walking through the arrivals gate, pulling along his suitcase wearing clothes fit for a fashion show. But accidentally choking and spitting his drink on Youngjae, however, is sort of his fault.

"Good morning, Yugyeom."

BamBam then is sitting in front of him, cross legged on Yugyeom's bed in the dorm at half past midnight when he has just finished unpacking half of his things, and Yugyeom would very much like to express how much he has missed his best friend that he has actually no idea what to say first.

The first thing he says, though, comes out all wrong.

"Good night, Bam. Talk to you tomorrow."

BamBam's face falls, and he nods as he swings his legs over the edge of Yugyeom's bed and crawls under the covers of his, returning his 'good night'. "Sleep well."

Yugyeom closes his eyes, pulling his blanket up to his chin. "You, too. It's been great seeing you again."

When Yugyeom hears the creak of BamBam's bed and the sound of him switching the desk light off, Yugyeom bites down hard on his lip. He's really an awkward shit, isn't he? Even to his best friend and roommate?

"Oh, and by the way, Yugyeom?" BamBam suddenly speaks up in the dark, causing Yugyeom to give up on his sleep for that second and flip over to face BamBam's bed, humming to let his friend know that he's listening.


"I really missed you and room 1-7-0-2, to be really truthful right now. It's different having you sleeping just in the other bed instead of all the way across the ocean."

And if Yugyeom is to be honest when you ask him the next morning if he slept well or not, he'd definitely say no. He barely slept because of BamBam saying he missed him.

The next time they stay up until past midnight (which is just the next day actually), Yugyeom is drinking from a carton of chocolate milk while BamBam has an open can of milk soda and is laughing like an idiot at Yugyeom because of him tripping over a sock (yes, a single sock) just moments before.

"Hey, stop laughing!" Yugyeom whines, kicking BamBam's leg with his foot.

"You're so strange, though, how can a person trip over a sock?"

"It's a balled up sock, okay? And it's not even mine!"

BamBam continues laughing, and Yugyeom's frown deepens. He just suddenly leans over the bed and presses his lips to BamBam to stop him from laughing and laughing and his drink comes out of his nose.

It does indeed stop him from laughing, but then Yugyeom's the one who chokes on air because of BamBam returning it. He chokes on air again and nearly falls off his bed when BamBam adds and says that yes, he likes him as well.

Yeah, Yugyeom's an idiot, alright.


(where has the soulmate au gone and where has this story ended up lmao)
im sorry, but this story is over right here because i have no idea what to anymore. thank you all so much for the reads and votes and comments, though. as always, they give me motivation to write and update. so, yeah, thank you guys so much. 💕

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