Issue 5: Kwapulous

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Nibbles took me to a place that was completely destroyed in a pile of ashes and started crying so i set him down and walked away. i come across a small hut surrounded by dropped and destroyed weapons. i entered the tent and inside i saw rows of sleeping baby hamsters all squeak snoring. they were very very cute so i grabbed one and ate it in one bite. i closed the door and walked away. sergeant nibbles looked over at me and said "dont go in there my children are sleeping!" i nodded and kept walking towards a strange green cloud in the sky. i noticed the cloud kept coming closer to me as well, so i kept approaching. the cloud came to ground level and from it emerged a squid in full military uniform who said "is the area secure from frigatis?" "i dont see him anywhere" i said and walked into the cloud. i started coughing because the cloud smelled like broccoli, but as i kept walking i emerged in a strange dimension full of squids running everywhere. i was starting to suffocate when a squid arm emerged from the cloud and pulled me back into the cityscape, and military squid said "you can't go in there that dimension is harmful to your kind." just then i heard a voice come from within the cloud, a booming angelic voice, that said "child, come to me, and a gaint pink squid arm reached out from the cloud and pulled me back in.

i came back out into the squid dimension, but this time i could actually breathe! "michael" the pink squid said "i have been watching you, you have done much recently to stir recent events." the squid then said "i am Kwapulous and i am no mere animal, i am from the same plain as the being tha ravages your world." i reeled back in shock and shouted "really??? do you know who dwentto is?" michael dusted off his white armor and said "you're looking at him" "grand" said the squid "now its time for me to help you" his massive tentacles rapped around me and it was very frightening at first but the nwas cozy as they tied all around my bod. he wrapped his tentacles around nearby trees and moved me to the middle and shot me into the distance like a slingshot, and i started flying towards a skyscraper in a Squid City. my trajectory shot me directly through a window into an office where sat a large breasted squid at a desk that said "president." i looked at the squid in awe and grabbed her breats and started being absorbed by them where their nipples should be and tentacles wrapped around me. they started pulling me slowly into the breasts until i emerged in a very squishy looking pink new dimension.

in this new dimension i decided to stop and sit and think about my life. well, that's what i would do, if everything didn't start rumbling and i was squeezed through a wall into a baby squid's mouth from the boob dimmension and the baby squid spat me into the sky and i came out into my original home dimension with pink floppy arms. i looked around and saw Kwapulous, who said "welcome home child, it is almost time to fulfill your destiny." kwapulous plunged his tentacles into the dirt and pulled out sword armed skeletons and said "now your training begins" as he laughed and blew back into the sky with his tentacles trailed behind him out of sight.

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