they did a thing

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Prompt; Paul accidentally left his sex tape at work and showed the video of him and john instead of showing his students education videos at the daycare.
George picked it.


"Alright students! Its 10am- what time is it?" Paul said enthusiastically as his students shined a wide smile on their face,shouting "VIDEO TIME!"

His lover,John smiled from opposite the room at his lover, teaching the younger batch students in the kindergarten about art, where hes teaching them how to do painting today as he was having trouble with Ringo who decided to bring drumsticks instead if paintbrushes.

"Alright now- George! You get the priority to pick today!" Paul smiled as he showed his hand towards the younger boy with thick eyebrows. The boy smiled as he got up from his seat excitedly and headed towards the teacher,Paul as he got up together with George to lead him to the rack of educational DVDs in the corner of the room where all the DVDs were placed.
Georges little fingers shifted from DVDs to DVDs, until he found a DVD which attracted his eye as he took the DVD out from the rack and shoved it to Paul's face. It was DVD with a black cover with no words or anything in it. Paul raised his eyebrow at the random disc as he never remembered placing such an odd disc like this. He shrugged as he thought probably the kids peeled off the cover during break time without his notice . Paul patted George on the head as the younger boy smiled at the teacher and ran back to his seat, ready for the video to start.

Paul took the CD out of the case and inserted the CD into his laptop as he looked inside the folder of the CD to play the video. As soon as he saw the folder name, he realizes he cant show this to the kids. His face was in deep red as his hands immediately covered up his face. His face immediately became warm red as he lowered his face, being embarrassed by the folder.
"George- I can't show this-"
"Aw what?!" George practically screamed in disappointment as that brought Johns attention from opposite of the room,looking up at his lover who was educating the older batch.
"Im sorry I just cant-"
"Nonsense paulie - all our DVDs works!" John butted in from opposite the room as Paul looked up at his lover,smiling away like nothing happened.
"No- John listen- I really can't play this-" Paul pleaded as John shook his head,
"your bluffing now,Paul." John snickered at the boy as he placed his hands at his waist,smirking at the boy as Paul let out a huge sigh in frustration, ready to defend himself once again but only knowing johns actions, it would be an predictable defeat, loss by Paul.
"Play it Paul- play it!play it!everybody!" John encouraged the students as he chanted towards the student. Paul shook his head in frustration,head slowly sinking in annoyance.
The two classes combined the chant together,encouraging Paul to play the tape as Paul finally brought his head up,placing his hands up in the air for the sign of giving up in frustration and annoyance.
"Alright! Alright... I'll play it... don't tell me I warned you,John." Paul sighed as he said Johns name in a sightly more audible tone than the rest of his sentence as John shook his eyebrow. Paul double clicked the video file in the folder as the video player starts loading and setting up on Paul's projector screen.
The video started off black in the first few seconds and soon,Paul's face was highly visible, the boy smiling with a sneaky face upon him and soon John realizes the video context.
"Oh no- oh no no no no no " John stated to himself as he watched the video playing, shaking his head in shock. the video was then shifted into a full body view of John as John was barely wearing any clothing in the video.
"Shut it off paul-"
"You s-"
"I said shut it off." John was dominant and started acting fierce towards Paul as the students were listening to the their two teachers hitting off each other in the video. the video kept on playing as the video showed off Paul lying on the teachers table hes currently seated in and John crawling on top of him,caressing his sides as its shown that he was teasing the younger man, ready for some actions to be begin.

"Mr.McCartney... what are you doing?" One of Paul's students asked as Paul refused to answer and he just stayed silent. John was bursting in anger as he rushed over to the opposite site of the room and hovered the mouse over the exit button and clicked the x button on the screen as all the students shook up in confusion and anger, "as c'mon Mr.Lennon!"
"No educational video today- all of you- nap time!" John screamed as all the students looked at each other in confusion.
"Did I just stuttered? ITS NAP TIME." John said again, raising his voice at the children's which was the first time he ever did so in the kindergarten as he shouted clearly at them,ordering them to the other room.
"My class; follow the older batch." John directed as he looked over at his batch which still had their dirty paintbrushes in their hand.
The students sighed in disappointment as they placed their tools on the table and head towards the other room and prepare for nap time.

As soon as all the children went out to the other room,john shut the door dividing the two rooms.
"Why do you have that here?" John questioned as he slowly approached Paul, Paul was still having head in his hands,covering them in embarrassment and frustration.
"Answer me Paul." John said strictly as he placed a hand on Paul's back. Paul didn't know what to feel, he was embarrassed he had to show such an embarrassing video to the kids and he had to be ordered to show the video from John.
"I said ANSWER ME." John growled as he placed his hands on Paul's shoulders,bringing the younger mans face up, biting his lip as he looked away, scared.
The older man saw his lovers face as he grew a soft side , kneeling to his height as his lover sat on the teachers chair, sighing at the incident that just happened.

"I think.. it was from the time we had sex here a few months ago. I got really tired so I just left the disc here I guess." Paul tried explaining as John nodded,biting his lips remembering of that very incident where he made out with Paul after all the parents had fetched their children room he kindergarten, the made out session bloomed and it ended up with them shagging, and to add up a bonus, they even made a sex tape cause one of them had thought 'why not'.

Why not indeed.

"But I checked all the disc the other day-"
"Well certainly you didn't check this one"
"Well certainly a certain someone forget to take it back home didn't they?"

The couple gazed into each others eyes as the two chuckled at each others behavior. They couldn't be mad at each other,they just can't. It was johns fault in one for forcing his love to show such a video towards the children and somewhat, Paul's fault in the same time as he was the one who left it here . John shrugged at their pass problems as he soon brought his lips upon Paul's lips as the two let their lips roam around each other for a minute ,
"Let's not have sex in here anymore before any mistakes like this happens again aight'?" Paul whispered as john chuckled, before pulling his lips closer to the man, hands placed behind Paul's shoulders as he brought his lover closer,not having the thoughts to ever let go of each as the lovers allowed themselves to get in deep around each other before being interrupted by a student walking into them.

"Sir- I can't sleep.." the couple broke the kiss as Paul grew deep red as John smiled at the student, letting his hands unwind Paul as he got up,facing the little child who reveled him and his lovers sex tape.
"Your right lil- georgy , we need a nap time story! Now why don't you go pick out a book in the shelve for me to read." John smiled at the student as he got up from his place and followed he student to the next room and selected a storybook to be read to the children's.

Paul looked at John as he walked out the door with the student as he smiled at himself,looking at how lovely his lover was when he wasn't submissive and aggressive. Paul soon ejected the sex tape form his laptop and placed it back in the black box as he took out a silver Sharpie from his stationary case and wrote a a note saying "not to be seen ; +18" before placing it into his bag and leaving the room to follow his lover ,reading bedtime storied to the lovely children's in the kindergarten resting peacefully and innocently.

Thanks GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now