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Picking up the locket that hung around my desk lamp's neck and slipping it onto mine, I proceeded to press my fingers into the keys, piecing together artifacts of the long lost truth.

I held my breath, as the loading bar made it's way across the top of the screen.

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping to relieve my headache.

Another Wikipedia page, with a purple link telling me I've been there already. I then tilted my head to the side as I scrolled down to the other results. A site I had never seen before popped up.

Google asked to translate the page to english, and I scrolled on anyway. I recognized the language as latin, and as usual I tried to pronounce it aloud, trying to fight through my dyslexia.

"The spells read story book, story book provide the light so I can face these demons with all my might, these spells were often used to take and put people and characters in stories or put them in the real world..." My eyebrows knit in frustration. I clicked to translate it but the text disappeared. "What? Where'd it go?" I clicked repeatedly, because of the impulse to do so. Crap. I clicked out of the page, and closed it frustrated. I looked out the window into the darkness, trying to recall how many hours had passed since the sun dipped under the horizon, taking the blue sky with it.

Too many to tell, I'm guessing. Exhaling, I pushed myself and chair I was sitting on backwards so i'd have room to stand. Stretching, I made my way to my bed. As I relaxed into the darkness that stood in my room, and tucked me into my covers, I fell asleep.

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