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When Kayden left the room it was utter silence. It wasn't awkward although I felt out of place.

''So, what are your plans for today?'' Brayden spoke.

''Nothing, really,'' I answered. ''I'll probably do some cleaning up and organize my things for university and that's it. What about you?''

''Well, Dylan is coming over to hang out and maybe you'd like to join us as well?''

''Sure,'' I mumbled and went towards the kitchen.

It was a total mess. What would you expect from four human beings living together in one apartament? I thought it would be really generous to clean all the dishes so I rolled up my sleeves and started to clean.

After a while I was almost done when I heard someone opening the fridge and taking something out of it. I looked to my left and I wasn't even surprised when I saw Kayden leaning against the fridge eating an apple and eyeing me intensely. 

''Aren't you going to say anything?'' I muttered.

''I'm just thinking,'' he responded.

''Oh,'' I was done cleaning the last plate when he spoke again.

''I'm thinking about why you're so fucking arrogant towards me,'' he stated and I could feel the anger boiling inside of me.

''Kayden, look at yourself too. Remember how we met? Yeah? Then the way you treat me everyday and you expect me to treat you good?'' I glared at him.

''You're so damn annoying,'' he laughed and continued. ''You think you're perfect and make yourself look like you don't know what reality actually looks like. People like you tend to piss me off.''

''Because you don't know me!'' I shouted. ''How can you make those assumptions about me when we know each other for like two weeks? You never even made an effort to know me better!''

''Listen, if I didn't save you from Derek yesterday you'd be in a hospital right now,'' he raised his eyebrow at me and tried to take another bite of the apple but I was too furious at this moment so I snatched it out of his hand and threw it away.

''At least I wouldn't need to deal with an asshole like you!'' I was so angry that I could feel the floor swaying under my feet. 

''My apple-''

''No one cares about your damn apple! Leave me alone and don't talk to me ever again, Kayden!'' I yelled.

''Fine, but I'm not done yet.''


''Guys, what is going on?'' Dylan walked into the kitchen and stood between me and Kayden.

''She's going insane,'' Kayden chuckled.

''Dude, never say that to a girl. It's so obvious you've never had an experience with one.''

I bursted out laughing as soon as Kayden grunted and left the room. Brayden appeared out of nowhere confused like never before and immediately started bombarding him with questions.

''That was amazing, Dylan,'' I snickered.

''Kalani, all jokes aside. What happened?'' He sat on a stool and I next to him so I can explain the situation.

''He basically tried to tell me every single reason why I'm annoying and arrogant, then why he's the perfect savior. I got really angry and I'm sure you could hear that.'' I felt bad yet so angry.

''Guys, this is not acceptable. If I didn't come in at the right time I'm sure you both would've already beaten each other up,'' Dylan said.

''I know! But it's like it was his intention to make me feel really bad about myself,'' I replied to him. I felt so empty inside. He brought up the worst memories of my life like a closed wound being ripped open.

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