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Well I think I've achieved a lot for my first day of my new school.

I have successfully pissed off a vampire, got most of the female population of the student body loving me and made plans to eat with the running team at lunch today.

So you can understand why, when my stupid English teacher paired me up with the same vampire I pissed of earlier for a project in Romeo and Juliet, I wasn't exactly a happy camper.

I saw her looking around for her partner when my name was called, but obviously I had tactically not told her my name, well that plan is screwed... stupid Shakespeare and his stupid doomed love stories.

My hand felt around for my back-pack under the desk, I picked it up and slung it over my shoulders, then walked over to her table and put my hand on her shoulder, just to let her know I was there, the reaction I got was to be expected;

"Hi Mirrabelle."

She turned, beaming at me at first, then her face dropped and she pulled her features into a scowl.

"It's Belle actually, and you're River? well it doesn't surprise me, it's such an inferior name for such an inferior person."

Now it was my turn to scowl at her. I didn't need her catty remarks this early in the morning, and the day after a full moon.

"Well, I didn't know I was in the presence of such a beautiful princess." I shot back, I said it sarcastically but still felt a slight blush taint my cheeks, I meant that the same way I called her a doll in the hall, ironically, didn't I?

I dumped my stuff in the seat next to hers and turned away from her, head in my arms. We sat in silence for the rest of the hour, and as we were stuffing our books in our bags at the end of the lesson, the teacher dropped a bombshell.

"You will be presenting your projects in two weeks time, I expect you to work on it together for homework." Everyone else looked at each other, excited, the vampire and I? We simply glared at each other, and left the room without a word.

Well it's official, I hate English.

It's been five days since that English lesson and me and Mirrabelle haven't made any effort towards our stupid project, but on the bright side, it's the weekend and I'm free!

After breakfast I go out to the workshop to work on my truck. Yes, I've been building and repairing a truck since I have nothing else do with my time. I was busy working on the engine when I heard a twig snap in the woodland across the street and the stench of musty death permanently fused itself to my nose. 

Four vampires came to my front door, black cloaks defending them from the sun. A growl escaped my lips before I could stop it, and before I even knew what I was going to do, I was in the front vampire's path.

"What do you think you're doing here?" I asked him furiously, arms folded across my chest.

They all burst out laughing at me. I looked down at myself, I had black oil marks down my plain white T-shirt and grease over my tan shorts.

I stared at them, "Well?"

They stopped laughing, and looked at me. I could tell they were slightly shocked to be spoken back to.

"We have business with your Alpha," started the chief vampire. "Not that it means anything to you."

God I swear I wanted to punch his patronizing little fangs right outta his fucking mouth.

Instead I  grinned, "Well if you want to speak to my father, looks like you're gonna have to come back later, he's not here."

That was when I caught the scent of... flowers? The same flowery scent I'd learnt to associate with Mirrabelle.

She was at the back of the group, and the only one without a cloak. I have to admit, this confused me, I mean she was a vampire wasn't she?

Kiba chose that moment to open the front door. That cub has 'amazing' timing, he picks this moment to go play in the woods. Seriously.

"River?" he asked timidly. "Who are these people?"

"They don't matter Kiba;" I answered. "They were just leaving." I gave a pointed look at the vampires.

"But, they smell funny I-" Kiba tried to say

"Tell your father we will come back tomorrow to discuss the division the territories."

"Wait, you're the one who gave us half the city!" I exclaimed; "You can't change your mind now! it's against the rules!"

"It's against the rules of your race, but I'm not your kind. I won't help a werewolf until hell freezes over."

"Won't that that kill you?" Kiba asked innocently.

"Exactly."  the vampire answered with a glare in my little brothers direction. He whimpered and ran back inside.  A flood of anger washed over me. How dare he scare my little brother! I decided I was going to get my revenge on Monday. But for now there was something I needed to do.

"Mirrabelle, can I talk to you a second? It's important, about our project?" I winced for the vampire girl as her clan leader stared daggers at her.

She shot me a questioning look.

"Well, we only have one week left and I don't want to fail my first English project." My hand automatically went to my hair, it always does when I'm nervous.

My heart seemed to slow down as I waited for her answer, and I wasn't sure if it was just because her clan was staring at me.... Wait a minute...

But before I could figure out my last thought, she answered;



Hi guys Lumos here!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I enjoyed writhing it. (partly because I'm now winning the longest chapter competition.)

And in answer to Timelordette's question I'm team Riverbelle :P

Please R +R

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