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 Hey guys! welcome to next chapter of Intrusion, just a filler really, sorry!

Lumos Xx


Get a girl over to work on your project and what do you do? Snog her.

What the hell was I thinking? I'm supposed to be the next Alpha of my pack, I can't go messing around with vampires...

Oh God... My pack, they'll kill me.

They can never know about this... Mistake of mine, I won't be allowed out on my own again. It was impulse, I don't even know why I did it.

All I know is, this can NEVER happen again.

Kiba stood over me, peering down, worry clearly etched on his face. And still wearing that bloody tutu.

"Are you Ok River?" he asked timidly.

Well I was lying on the floor, the pain had died slightly now, and I figured I could move again now that savage attack was over.

I mean, who does that to a guy? Sure I had come onto her without her expectation, but she didn't seem to mind all that much after-

No River, you just said you'd stop.

"River?" Kiba questioned again.

"I'm fine Kiba." I answered, snapping out of my previous thoughts.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, Kiba was glaring at me for scaring off his new best friend, I was staring at the floor, silently.

Let me just say Mom's dinner call never came soon enough.

I was the last one to the table, for the first time in living memory.

Essie came looking for me, and burst out laughing at the sight of her little brother hobbling down the stairs. Apparently, the pain hadn't died as much as I thought.

After she had done laughing at me, I joined her in the hall, still wincing slightly, but mostly from the memory. We walked into the kitchen together, Essie not giving the dignity of walking at my speed, bringing my... problem to the packs attention.

"Everything alright son?" Dad questioned, obviously worried. Great. (Insert sarcastic smile here.)

"I'm fine Dad." I said as I sat down, just... ill." Yeah great idea River, freak them out more. Way to go.

"What's the matter River? Where does it hurt?" Mom fussed. See what I mean?

"I'm fine!" I insisted,"Can we just eat now?"

Over dinner, I caught everyone giving me strange looks, I even heard the parents murmuring about how it's not the Dark Moon for three days, and could this be an allergy, or some kind of pre-affect of the day we lose the moon? (And half our DNA... Yay...)

I turned in early that night, and after my shower, I decided to play some guitar, I hadn't really touched it since we moved and I was going through withdrawal, that's how much I love that thing.

Sat crossed legged on my floor, I started strumming a random tune, which turned into a melody, which ended up as a full blown rock out session in my room.

The next morning, My alarm clock bleeped at me, somehow sensing me inevitable downfall. Today was the day I had to face Belle. But whether or not I was going to talk to her... still undecided.

I bounded down the stairs, skipping two at a time. Kiba was already sat at the table, dressed in a red T-shirt and shorts, his bare feet kicking the table as he ate his cereal.

I poured myself some cereal. Not saying a word to anyone. I was trying to drag out my time in the kitchen, not wanting to face the world this morning.

I went back up to my room and dressed in five minutes flat. Trying to look casual is kind of a talent for me. I was dressed in a grey hoodie and jeans, with my sneakers on, sometimes I hate being able to speed through the morning, I came down the stairs again, dragging my feet as I went.

Kiba's bus was waiting outside, and before he walked out of the house, he hugged me. I wasn't expecting it, to be honest I thought he still hated me after yesterday. But he was gone before I even looked down at him.

I picked up my back-pack, and slung it over my shoulders. Going for the 'normal school day' approach.

Slamming the door the door behind me, I started running to school. Diverting from my normal route, and through the woodland. I felt free, just running through the trees and dodging the roots. This freedom lasted around ten minutes, because before I knew it, I was outside the front gates. I couldn't smell, or see Belle anywhere. This was good, yet I couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Walking down the hall to my locker. I smelt something, turning, I saw Belle, smelling more like death than ever, she was slightly paler too. I didn't get it. Our eyes locked for a brief moment, but hers fell to her shoes as her friends buzzed around her... I swear I heard my name in their conversation, something about my hair? I will, honestly, never understand girls. Belle was smiling wanly at her friends going on at her. I dumped my bag in my locker, slammed it shut, then leaned against it, listening to my iPod.

The sound of the bell ringing pulled me out of my trance. Grabbing my bag again, I went to homeroom.

Slumping in my seat, next to a human called Bradley, I cast my eyes around the room again. Belle had just entered and sat next to one of the girls from this morning. Acting on impulse, I sprang from my seat, and calmly walked over to their table. When I got there, I hadn't a clue what I was doing. I swear the wolf controls me sometimes, not the other way round, this wasn't normal.

"Hey Belle."

"River." she replied shortly. I couldn't blame her, we didn't speak at school, seeing as so many of our relatives attended, and after last time we were this close... Not now brain!

"Errrr," I had completely forgotten on what I was going to say.

She was waiting for me to answer, losing patience every second.

"You look different." I said without thinking. Yes brain that's exactly what a girl wants to hear first thing in the morning.

Her eyes flashed with anger. If this was her idea of making conversation  then we really needed to move again.

"Look i need to talk to you, about yesterday..." I waited for her response on tenterhooks, I didn't expect the response I got.

"What about yesterday?"

God was she stupid? Did she want me to yell it out to the entire school?

"You know what I'm talking about." I hissed "And I don't care if you want to talk, we're talking. Luchtime."

Her jaw fell in shock. I turned on my heel, and walked off. My ears buzzed as the homeroom started gossiping about the little scene. Shit I didn't know they were listening. Great, rumors. Yay!.

Hope you enjoyed.

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Bye, Lumos Xx

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