capítulo número veintiuno; los chismes

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Au Pair

All Rights Reserved

© 2017 Luna Black

"So," Eddie cleared his throat, "let me fill you in on the family gossip."

I nodded, turning my chair to face in the direction he was looking.

"It all started with Daddy Ace and Ellie. They lived in this shïtty town called Spades, where they have these weird labels. Kind of like a hierarchy. Ellie was part of the rich crowd, Ace was in the lower tier. Apparently, he had a crush on her since high school, but she never paid him any attention because she was taught that the lower class was dangerous."

"Kind of like a caste system?" I asked, trying to get a better understanding of everything.

"A really stupid one," Eddie commented, "so, at the end of her senior year, Ellie's heart was broken because she helped her best friend – who she loved – ask this other girl out to prom."

"Poor Ellie," I muttered, watching as she giggled at something Ace whispered in her ear. I was still not over how hot her husband was. The tattoos just did something to me. Or maybe it was his face. Maybe his body? Or the way he seemed totally in love with his wife?

"Not really," Eddie muttered, "the bastard was crazy! He married the girl he asked out to prom and then abused her. Chained her up in the house and did all kinds of crazy, unsexy shït."

"Damn," I grimaced, "I hope he's rotting in jail."

Eddie pursed his lips. "Coward committed suicide. But you're skipping parts! Okay, so Ellie goes back to town five years after high school and meets Daddy Ace, who is literally a father. His freshman year of college, he had sex with some girl and Emily was the product."

I frowned, looking at Emily. She was running around with the little ringbearer. "What happened to her?"

"Girl!" Eddie laughed, "Let me tell the story!" I grinned in response and waved at him to continue. "So, Ellie helps him pick out a costume for Emily and her car breaks down, so Ace starts fixing it. They start spending time together and even though Ace is an asshole, Ellie starts to like him."

I grimaced. "Every girl has fallen for an asshole."

"Sadly," he sighed, "a bunch of other shït happens and Daddy Ace realises he likes Ellie. They get together and the stupid hierarchy of the town start fücking with Ace. They beat him up and force him to break up with Ellie. A bunch of crazy shït was happening behind closed doors. There was a sex trafficking ring in town and Killian was there undercover to bring it down. The rich assholes were in charge of it and they took Emily!"

I gasped, totally into the story. It was like a dramatic ass novela!

"So, Ellie being the dumb sweetheart she is, goes with Caleb – he's the abuser that she loved back in high school – without any backup. She doesn't tell anyone where she's at."

I nodded. "Of course! Can't have drama without making stupid movie mistakes!"

Eddie laughed, nodding in agreement. "So, Caleb was working undercover and turned Ellie in. In exchange for Emily's safety, Ellie turned herself in. A bunch of other crazy shït happened, but Luca was the one that helped Killian find Ellie. After some heroic saving, Ellie came back to Valleys and sort of just indulged herself in work. Ace and Ellie didn't talk for nine months. "

I raised my eyebrows. "That's a long ass time!"

"Yeah," Eddie sighed, "but Misumi helped her see things from his side and they got back together. Ace left Spades and came to live in Valleys and so far, they have lived happily ever after."

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