capítulo número veintidós; el delicioso castigo

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Au Pair

All Rights Reserved

© 2017 Luna Black


The reception lasted a little over an hour after our insane conga line

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The reception lasted a little over an hour after our insane conga line. Misumi and Killian had planned to spend their honeymoon in Italy – a gift that apparently, Luca had graciously given. He owned two small villas off the coast of southern Italy and wanted to give his best friend a honeymoon to remember.

If Luca and I didn't get serious (I highly doubted we would) I would have to make sure to stay on his good side and hope that he liked me enough to give me a free stay in one of his villas.

Luca and I didn't talk much after his phone call. I knew that he was upset about it and I didn't want to overstep my boundaries by asking. I just didn't want to make a scene around his friends, so I gave him his space.

I helped Eddie and Ellie clean up for a bit before he called me away. I really liked them. Misumi was a sweetheart and I felt bad that her family hadn't approved of her marriage to Killian because he obviously loved her.

Ellie and Ace mostly kept to themselves because they were too busy keeping an eye on their daughter and when they weren't taking care of her, Ace would be tending to her every need. They were cute and definitely relationship goals because according to Eddie, the hot tattooed god had a fraenum piercing.

Once he told me about Ace's piercing we spent around ten minutes talking about how great it must've felt and how jealous we were of Ellie.

Eddie and I were so alike it was almost terrifying. He was like the best friend I never had. He was great, funny, and as crazy in the sexual endeavours as me. He made me feel extremely comfortable; I even told him of how I couldn't wait to leave the reception and be alone with Luca.

We exchanged numbers, so that we could meet up once we all went back to New York and catch up. Maybe he was being nice and felt like he had to give me his number out of pity (I told him I didn't know anyone in New York) but it just kept adding to the positive vibes I had that day.

The walk back to the hotel room was painfully silent. I wanted to desperately make Luca talk, even if he just wanted to vent about whatever upset him, but he didn't seem to want to talk. I had never seen him as pissed as he was then.

"Hey, Lu-"

He slammed the door behind him and I jumped, startled. What the hell happened to him?! I closed the hallway door and tried my best to rush over to him in my heels.

"Luca!" He continued walking and I raised my eyebrows, surprised at his behaviour. "Okay, drama queen, qué carajo te pasa a ti?!"

He abruptly stopped and turned to me with dark eyes. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were fiery. Oh, he was definitely pissed – but I could do "pissed off" nicer than he could. And I grew up watching telenovelas, I could definitely pull off the drama queen act better than he could. I hadn't done anything to him!

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