capítulo número once; el compromiso

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Au Pair

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© 2017 Luna Black


My body sagged against Luca's and he tightened his arm around my waist. My eyes were dazed and heavy, making it almost impossible for me to look up at him and focus on what he was saying and doing.

I inhaled sharply, trying to control my hormones, but the constant rocking motion between my legs was making it hard as hell to do anything, except grind myself against him.

Luca released my waist, pressing me closer to the wall with his body and grabbed my chin, whilst still rubbing the spot between my legs. He wrapped his fingers around my jaw, forcing my eyes to meet his and he leaned forward, gently pressing our lips together.

I gasped against his opened mouth, letting out a low moan as he deepened our kiss, totally taking control of the situation. He was not a messy kisser, he had the perfect amount of tongue, lips and teeth as he kissed me. This man was almost better than what I had fantasised.

His fingers moved down from my jaw and stopped right at my neck. He wrapped his fingers around my throat, squeezing lightly, but with a hint of all of the promises I wanted from him.

Luca grazed my bottom lip with his teeth, making me gasp against his lips and he let out a short, low laugh and nibbled on my lips sexily. I groaned, feeling all of my senses heightened by what he was doing.

The only way I could describe how I felt at that moment was flickering lights. There was so much energy and power happening between us that I could feel electricity rushing through my body. It was probably all the adrenaline, but he made my body feel alight.

The hairs in the back of my neck stood in attention when he squeezed my throat a little tighter, but not tight enough that it hurt. It was like he knew all of my weak points and was using them to his advantage.

"Eres una diosa," He whispered against my lips and lowered his mouth down the side of my cheek, with his other hand tilted my head upwards. "Totalmente hermosa y cautivadora."

I didn't know if it was because I already found him hot as hell, but whenever he spoke Spanish something inside of me melted and decided to come out between my legs. I clenched them around his hand and he chuckled, pressing me closer to the wall and continued rubbing my centre.

I lost count of all the lovely orgasms he gifted me. All I knew was that I was tired and I couldn't stand in my heels any longer. I needed him to stop pressing me against the wall and tie me to his bed.

Luca spread my lower lips with his hand, gaining a bit more access to my nether areas and whispered, "I love how fücking wet you are."

I tried to open my mouth to give him a reply or say something, but whoever was pulling the strings for this night, decided it was time to ruin my life. Luca's phone began to ring in his pocket and he sighed, slowly releasing me.

My legs trembled a bit and he gave a quiet chuckle, wrapping one arm around my waist and answered the phone with the other.

"Yeah, I just had to stop at my apartment to get the files." He nodded to himself, eyeing me with dark eyes. "I'll drop my date off at her house and be there in a second." He pulled his phone away from his ear to check the time, "She lives on the other side of town, so it might take me a bit."

Luca sighed, rolling his eyes and said, "I will be there, just relax, and finish your end." He ended the call, putting his phone in his pocket and turned to me with a small smile. "I have to cut our adventure short."

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