capítulo número treinta y nueve ; la sorpresa

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Au Pair

All Rights Reserved

© 2017 Luna Black



Fücking positive.

Normally the plus sign was good. I loved adding, especially adding money into my bank account.

Or it could have been a cross, it meant hope.

However, in this pee-stick, the plus sign was either a good or dreadful thing.

In my was nerve-wracking.

I gulped, grabbing the five other pregnancy tests and blinked away the tears that welled in my eyes as I realised that they were all positive.

It wasn't that I was unhappy. It was that I was afraid.

I sat in the bathroom, holding my knees up to my chest and cried for what felt like hours. My throats hurt from sobbing and my eyes felt heavy. I was extremely tired.

The first person I called was Mrs. Maggie. She would know what to do. What to say to make me feel better.

The phone rang twice.

"Dani-love!" She exclaimed happily.

"Mrs. Maggie," I hiccupped a sob, "I'm scared."

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Concern quickly filled her voice and I pinched myself to keep from crying even more.

I was pathetic.

"I'm scared," I repeated, grabbing a chunk of my hair and kept it away from my sticky face. "It says positive."

"Aw, honey," she spoke softly, "what's wrong? What's positive?"

"The pregnancy tests. They all have a positive sign." I breathed in deeply, wiping my tears away. "All six of them."

Mrs. Maggie was quiet for a couple of seconds. It was nerve wracking. I was seconds away from biting my nails and dying of nerves.

"Alright, sweetheart. Just try to calm down. Do you want to go to the doctor?"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Yes, please."

"Okay, sweetheart. Would you like me to keep you company?"

Again, I nodded. "Yes," I forced myself to stand up from the cold floor and breathed in deeply. "I'll get ready," I sniffled, "and then I'll go get you."

"Alright, Dani-love. I'll get dressed. Layer up, honey. It's really chilly outside."

"I will," I walked toward the closet and began to rummage through it, searching for warm clothing.

"Dani-love..." she hesitated, "does...have you told Luca?"

"No," I cradled the phone against my ear and shoulder, "you're the first person I called."

"Okay. Get dressed and don't forget to layer up. I'll see you in a bit. Be careful on the roads, sweetheart."

"Bye, Mrs. Maggie," I whispered before ending the call.

I wore a pair of dark jeans and black fur boots with a long-sleeved turtleneck shirt. It wasn't the most attractive outfit, but it was very warm and cozy.

Before I left, I pet Toby for a bit and then grabbed a thick winter coat from the closet. Once all the buttons were in place and I had my gloves on, I grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me.

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