Chapter 1

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His hair looked so soft. His eyes stared into my soul. I was one of the few SOLDIER member that were female. And I had become a general. I worked alongside Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis. Or as I like to call them Sephi, Angel and Gene. They all hated the nicknames but who cares? Not you. Honestly if I called Sephi that during battle he would tear me to shreds so I keep quiet. Today would be a dangerous day. There was a report of a dragon. Me and the other generals had to bring THE puppy along with because Angeal had insisted that we did. I laughed and Sephiroth stared at me. "This is going to be fun! What will Zack be doing? Cleaning up the dragon's remains oh wait no he can't!" I joked. Sephiroth snorted at my ignorance. I didn't care. At least I could make him laugh unlike the others. Angeal glared at me. "Come on Angel! Why do we have to bring him along?" I asked. Angeal muttered curses causing me to laugh.

"Well I have to go get my wakizashi." I said. "And don't you dare Gene!" I glared at Genesis. He laughed. I was surrounded by males! I didn't care though. But I knew how Genesis could flirt with women. He treated me like a male though. We didn't care if I was female. I went to clubs with them and we danced but never has Genesis treated me like he does to other women. They sometimes thought I was Sephiroth's girlfriend because of how silent I could be. I always laughed and said nothing about it so the rumors spread. I didn't mind at all though Sephiroth scowled. But when did he not? I got my sword and went back to others. Zack had arrived.

I sighed. This was going to be one long journey. We got motorcycles to ride but Sephiroth insisted that I ride with Genesis or Angeal. I didn't listen and got aboard my own motorcycle. Sephiroth growled. Genesis and Angeal laughed at me and Zack looked between me and Sephiroth. "Shut up Sephiroth I can take care of myself!" I hissed. "You might know that once I kicked your ass! So you have no right to-!" I was shut up by him trying to attack me. I moved out of the way of the bike as it was victim to Sephiroth's attack. "Fine fine fine!" I said. "Angel mind if I ride with you?" Angeal shook his head and I joined him on his bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist but he didn't mind but I heard Sephiroth mutter something. I laughed quietly. "Jealous Sephiroth?" I joked and smirked. Sephiroth glared at me.

"Oooh so you do like her." Genesis said. "You both are so cute together." We both shot glares at Genesis and he laughed. Angeal chuckled. I closed my eyes as we set off. It was so easy to just.................... 

 ~~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 I woke up to Angeal whispering something to me. I looked at him and saw everyone staring. I let go and got off the motor cycle. "Sorry just haven't been sleeping well." I said and shook my head. Angeal laughed and He patted you on the back. I settled down and Sephiroth sat down beside me. I punched him. Genesis laughed. "Shut up Genesis! We might kiss." I teased. Sephiroth froze and I shook my head. I laughed and laid back. Sephiroth smiled. "You take things to seriously." I commented as I closed my eyes. It was getting dark but the ground was so hard. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I turned away from Sephiroth. He put my head on his arm and I was shocked. Everyone else was busy.

"Don't worry no one will know about this." Sephiroth said. I nodded. I was half asleep on his arm. I didn't care as I heard taunts from Genesis about me and Sephiroth. I growled and I heard laughter erupting from someone.

~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~

I woke up away from Sephiroth. I saw that he was already up and about. I sat up and rubbed my head. "Sorry about yesterday." I said. "I didn't mean to make you jealous." Sephiroth looked at me and shook his head. "Food?" I asked. Sephiroth nodded and laughed. It woke up the others. Genesis looked at me then Sephiroth. I laughed as well. Genesis smirked.

"Well Sephiroth how about you feed the lady?" Genesis teased and I went over to him and punched him. Genesis was shocked. Genesis rubbed his cheek and looked at me. "So you punch me! You punch ME!" Genesis shouted. "Let's fight this out! If I win you and Sephiroth have to kiss!" I got out my sword. I closed my eyes and then then set a ring of fire around us. We fought not intent on hurting each other. It came down to me having to end up kicking as well. Now I leaned over Genesis.

"Guess who los-." I went flying and hit the ground hard. My sword went flying. I closed my eyes as I knew Genesis's rapier was to my throat. I swallowed and gave in. I let the wall of fire die down. Angeal barreled into Genesis. Sephiroth went to me. Zack just watched. "I lost but who cares." I said. "Oh yeah darn it!" I stood up. I had small cuts. I pulled Sephiroth to me and kissed him. I had to end the kiss as well. Genesis laughed wildly. I growled. "Darn you Gene!" I said. Sephiroth was stunned as I walked to pick up my sword. Genesis then was Lectured by Angeal.Zack ran over to me. "Don't get near me puppy." I growled pointing my sword at him. "No one follow me." I walked off and I knew someone was following me. I turn around quickly my sword pointed at Sephiroth's throat. He swallowed nervously. "I told no one to follow me Sephiroth that even means you!" I shouted. He knocked my sword out of the way with his own. I attacked but he easily blocked the attacks. I gave in and put up my sword. We were out of the others view and he pulled me close. I kept silent as he tried to comfort me. "This is pathetic Sephiroth! Genesis just has to get on my nerves when there is a 2nd Class idiot here." I complained. "And now Zack is going to start more rumors! I will kill him....." You felt hand touch your hair and looked up at Sephiroth. He smiled.

"Shut up for once Diana." Sephiroth said. "You vent too much." I pulled away and headed back to the others. Angeal looked at my angry expression. They had seen my confrontation with Zack. I wasn't in the mood so I sat down and closed my eyes.Sephiroth had followed me and had pulled me to him. Everyone gasped but I just fell into his lap.

"So you do love her Sephiroth. What a surprise." Genesis said. "But does she love you back is the question. Diana! Do you love Sephiroth?" I opened my eyes and glared at Genesis. You closed your eyes once more. I kept a frown on my face. I heard someone approach us. "So do you love him?" Genesis demanded a bit closer. I shook my head stubbornly. Someone pulled you closer. You opened your eyes. Genesis was getting too close. Sephiroth had you tightly in his arms. You didn't mind. You wouldn't admit this felt nice.

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