Chapter 9

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"Diana it will be okay." Sephiroth said. I opened my eyes and found his face. I smiled at him but my eyes closed once more. I felt cold all of a sudden and shivered.


Days passed and now I could move around my hospital room on my own. Sephiroth watched over me and Hojo did check ups on me regularly. He was only allowed to see me every once in a while. I closed my eyes. Sephiroth picked me up and laid me down on the bed. I closed my eyes and he kissed me on the forehead. Some other people entered the room and I opened my eyes. I saw Zack and Angeal. "Hey guys." I said. Zack went up to me.

"So your not dead." Zack said and smiled. "Everyone thinks you will die and then rumors of you and Sephiroth are springing up. I think they don't trust you much." I nod and I sat up. Angeal smiled from a distance. I hugged Zack but carefully. Zack smiled at me. I let go of Zack. Angeal approached. Sephiroth was smiling.

"I feel better.......... Sephiroth and Hojo have been helping me." I said. "Hojo is like his old self. But he still is a maniac!" Everyone there laughed. "At least Lazard understands. I had to tell him." Sephiroth nodded. Angeal hugged me and I pat his back. I couldn't help but feel so happy. Angeal pulled back and I laid down. "I wish I could heal myself but Hojo suggested I didn't." I said and frowned.


Months passed and now I was allowed to do simulation training but no missions. I didn't mind doing the simulations. Sephiroth helped me and I enjoyed the training more than I thought I would. I was training when suddenly the simulation ended. Sephiroth had a worried expression but I didn't know why until I noticed Genesis. He was watching me with a worried expression as well. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Um you seem different that's all." Genesis said. I shrugged and smiled. I put up my sword and closed my eyes. "I hope it doesn't affect anything...... me being different." I said. "I am just....... trying to get used to this." I sighed and Sephiroth went up to me. He pulled me into a hug. I pulled away after a while and kissed him gently and then headed to my apartment. I saw Vincent join me. He had been allowed inside after killing Ean.

I had to meet Hojo today but not yet. Vincent helped me into my room. I collapsed on the bed and groaned. "It's still not healing?" Vincent asked. I nodded and started to change the bandage. "I think they noticed. I was feeling the pain while I was training. Ean doesn't want it to heal so I might have to use my magic to fix this." I said. I closed my eyes. "I don't think I can tell them that the wound isn't healing. Hojo knows but I don't want Sephiroth to get worried."

"You need to tell him Diana. Wether you like it or not. I am not going to tell them for you." Vincent said. He had heard the door open. "Tell us what?" Sephiroth asked. I froze and growled at Vincent. I tossed him against the wall. He didn't hit the wall. Sephiroth entered the room. He looked at the bloody bandage

"I.......... Sephiroth the wound isn't healing........." I said. "It might be the magic. I might have to heal it on my own." I suddenly doubled over in pain. Sephiroth went over to me. "Hojo knows......... it hurts so bad. If you hadn't killed Ean then my blood could have been used for a ritual....... wait...... what if he is not dead?" I gasped. Sephiroth held onto my shoulders. I screamed and tore off the bandage. I saw the wound glow an eerie red. "Oh god." I groaned. I collapsed on the bed.

~~~~Sephiroth's PoV~~~~

She started writhing on the bed. Her wound bleeding but slowly healing but something wasn't right. It was swollen. "He can't! He shouldn't be able to do this!" Diana screamed. I held her down and Vincent looked at me. I knew she was in another situation where she would be forced to bear a child but who would be the father? I thought it might be my own. Diana grabbed my arm. I felt immense pressure and heard a crack. I knew she had broken my arm.

She suddenly went still but she was breathing. She had to be carried to the hospital. The child was fully grown and she tried to hide the major pain she felt. I still had a broken arm and Vincent helped. She lay in the doctor's care for hours. I had told Genesis and Angeal what had happened and now we're waiting with us. "Darn magic." I said. Genesis nodded. Suddenly Hojo arrived from where they were holding her.

"The child...... made it but we aren't sure if Diana will. She suffered greatly but we allowed her to heal herself. She might die of bloodloss." Hojo said. "We won't be able to give her blood because her magic will refuse it. Unless she is given blood from family then she might die if she doesn't generate enough blood." I gasped and was lead to Diana. The child was like Minerva but when it opened his eyes it's eyes were like my own. "He's yours Sephiroth. Diana was proud to know that." Hojo said. Diana was fast asleep.

I grabbed Diana's hand and suddenly my arm was healed. Diana opened her eyes and looked at me. "He's beautiful." Diana breathed. "I love him so much." I smiled at her and she smiled back. The baby was taken back to be taken care of. Diana looked at Hojo. "Don't you dare think of touching my child you little maniac!" Diana growled. Hojo laughed.


I held the baby while Diana was resting. He was fast asleep and looked surprisingly peaceful. I laid down the child and Minerva walked in. "How is Ren doing?" Minerva asked me. I smiled and beckoned her closer. Minerva came closer and looked at Ren. "He looks so happy." Minerva commented. I nodded and I heard Diana shouting. I went to her and saw Ean.

Minerva stayed with Ren. "What are you doing here!" I growled. Ean looked at me. "So you here.... just perfect!" Ean growled. "You know you can be annoying! All you are is an experiment! Your birth was for an experiment!" I tried to attacked him but Vincent beat me to it. Ean was pinned against the wall. Diana stood up slowly. I caught her before she fell.

"The child will kill you Sephiroth! I will come back for Diana! Mother and father have given me the right to do this. Diana I can't wait to have your magic!" Ean said. "This time you will live but the next you won't! Omega will come for you Goddess Athen! He will come for his pawns." Diana transformed and attacked Ean. "I am not scared!" Ean screamed. "Your not as strong as what is to come! Good luck and have fun with your child." Ean disappeared and Diana growled in anger. Vincent grabbed her shoulder with his claw and dug into her skin. She transformed back to normal.

"Sorry." Diana said and Vincent let go of her shoulder. "I want to kill him! How does he know about Omega? I never left any notes of Omega laying around. Lucracia never let me get near her work so how does he know?" Vincent shook her and she shut up. I went over to them and touched Diana's shoulder. She looked at me. Minerva walked in with the child.


Diana held my Ren close to her. I was sitting with her. My phone went off and I grabbed it. The I answered it. "Genesis slow down!" I growled into the phone. "Ean is alive but he said something strange. He attacked Diana...... yes I know I know. Let me get my stuff and I will be right over." After a long pause I responded. "Diana will go see Hojo with Vincent and Minerva as well as Ren. She will be alright with him." I said. I nodded and ended the call. I went into Diana's room and got my weapon. Minerva got me some food for the journey. I smiled and went out.

I arrived at the room. Angeal was wearing a stern face and Genesis was smirking slightly. "What is this about?" I demanded. Genesis looked at Angeal. "The child has to be taken to safety. Diana will be going with him. Lazard wants Diana away from here in case Ean attacks soldier in general." Angeal said. "Sephiroth you won't be able to know where they go and all ties will be severed between you two just for the safety of the child." I gasped and then growled.

Genesis sighed. "I don't like this either. I think Ean will attack her and the child but I won't go against Lazard's orders." Genesis said. "Vincent will be with her." I nod but not fully comfortable with this idea. Vincent came from the shadows. He growled and shook his head.

"Where do you want me to take her?" Vincent demanded. "My place?" Genesis nodded. I stormed out of the room not wanting to hear any more of this. I went to Diana's place and went inside. I saw that they were gone already. I collapsed to my knees and held my head. Someone's hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to see Vincent. I attacked him. He stumbled back in shock. Vincent transformed and blocked my attacks.

I screamed in anger. Vincent teleported away and I was left to cry. I cried until I had to stop. I stood up and went out of the room. I saw Genesis waiting for me. "You miss her." Genesis stated. I nodded. Genesis hugged me and I growled in frustration. Genesis laughed and stopped. He pat me on the back.

~~~~Diana's PoV~~~~

I lay with my child in Vincent's room. Vincent appeared and sat down beside me. I smiled weakly then I noticed the cuts on Vincent's arms. "Sephiroth is upset?" I asked. Vincent nodded. I sighed and kissed Ren on the forehead. Vincent hugged me.

~~~~Sephiroth's PoV~~~~

I lay in Diana's bedroom for hours. Genesis had tried to get me to move but I didn't move. I cried some of the time and some I just laid in sorrow. I got up and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw Ean behind me and felt a knife to my throat. "Tell me where she is!" Ean growled. I closed my eyes. "Oh so let me guess....... your a broken man right now. What happened!" Ean demanded.

I didn't speak because I had nothing to say. Ean started to draw blood from my hand with the knife. My mouth covered by his hand. I tried to scream. Suddenly Angeal was there and Ean disappeared. I collapsed. "Ean......" I said. "He came here in search of Diana. Now my hand is cut." Angeal helped me up.

I looked at my bleeding hand. I wrapped it up with some bandages. Angeal frowned. "We can't stay here. He knows to look for me. If I leave then he will follow me and challenge me. If it saves Diana then I can deal with the pain." I said. Angeal shook his head. I growled but dropped the subject. Angeal helped me out of the bathroom.

The door was closed and locked. "How?" Angeal asked confused. "I didn't lock it when I came in." I fell in pain. Ean appeared behind Angeal. "You have messed with the wrong man!" Ean growled and stabbed Angeal. I was grabbed by the neck and the door was opened. I disappeared with Ean. We were back at Diana's house.

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