Chapter 7

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Chaos lay battered with many wounds. I leaned over him. "Please don't kill me my love." Chaos said. I was not in control of myself. I touched his cheek. Sephiroth got up and went to me.

"What is going on!" Sephiroth demanded shaking me. I snapped out of the trance. I backed up and I transformed back to normal. "Sorry Sephi. I don't know what came over me." I said. Chaos stood up slowly. He looked at Sephiroth. "Love this is pathetic." Chaos said. "What happened to you?" I healed Chaos from a distance. Chaos teleported to me and I transformed without wanting to. Sephiroth collapsed. Chaos kissed me and I stared wide eyed at what I knew was my friend. He stopped and turned away. He transformed into Vincent. I went back to my normal self.

I went to Sephiroth not knowing I was wounded. I fell down to my knees. Sephiroth went to me and held me close. I healed my wounds and kissed Sephiroth. He held me to him and Vincent had disappeared. I closed my eyes. My cheeks were bright red. Sephiroth ended the kiss. His hands now on my cheeks. I touched one of his hands and then I remembered. "MIN!" I shouted. Sephiroth let go and followed me over to Minerva. She was weakened. I picked her up and looked at Sephiroth.


We continued to walk. Minerva woke up not to long ago and now walked beside us. I opened the door to the building where Hojo was being contained. I went in first and saw a prison cell that was cast in shadows. "Hojo!" I hissed. I heard his laughter and I felt anger flare up inside me. Sephiroth held me back as I transformed. Minerva took control of holding me back and I struggled. Hojo came into the light. I struggled harder. "I will kill you!" I screamed. "You will pay for this!" Hojo laughed. Sephiroth stepped in front of me.

"Shh...." Sephiroth said in a low voice. He placed his hand on my cheek. I stopped and closed my eyes. "It's okay Diana. Here he will rot!" Sephiroth said. Minerva let me go of me. I ran past Sephiroth. Sephiroth grabbed my hand and stopped me. I felt the tears coming. They streamed down my face. Hojo laughed at me. I ran to the door and went outside. I ran away from that place until I teleported to Vincent's room. He was there at his desk and looked at me. He got up and hugged me.

"I had to check up on Hojo!" I cried. "I can't do this! I can't do this Vincy." He growled at the nickname. He ran his fingers through my hair and he put his head to my own. "Minerva was a mistake! It should have never happened!" I pounded his chest with my fists. "Why did it have to happen?" Vincent pushed me in front of him and gave me a stern glare. I went quiet and closed my eyes. Vincent pulled me back to his chest and comforted me.

Suddenly we both transformed and we couldn't control ourselves. I kissed him and somehow deep down I enjoyed it. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Love...... our daughter." I said with a more silker voice than my own. "She is strong and will forever be ours." I tried to get back in control but the creation inside me that Hojo created was in control. Chaos kissed me and kept me quiet. I managed to pull away and I transformed back to normal. Chaos stayed that way and I was stuck in his arms. He finally was back to Vincent.

He pulled back. "We can't control this. Diana I don't love you but Chaos loves whatever you are. I don't want this but we might have to stay with each other unless we try to kill each other again. You can sleep in the bed." Vincent said. "I don't need to sleep. Really I don't. Plus it's best we stay as far from each other when we sleep." I nod and I let go of Vincent. I pulled back and frowned.

"I don't need Sephiroth worrying about me. I am sorry Vicent. Just try and not look for me." I said and teleported to my apartment in Midgar. I was on my bed and I cried until I heard someone knocking. I went to the door and opened it. There was Genesis. "What do you want!" I said with anger and I tried not to elevate my voice. Genesis hugged me as if he had been worried.

"Sephiroth, me and Angeal were worried. Minerva said you would be okay but we didn't know if she was right. And why are you crying?" I shoved him away and frowned. I went into my apartment. I had covered up the claw mark on my shoulder. Genesis saw me put my hand on my shoulder. "What happened!" Genesis demanded. "Why are you covering your shoulder!" I turned to him and punched him. Genesis stumbled backwards. "This isn't you! What happened Diana!" Genesis said.

"Whatever I am happened! I can't control myself! I don't know if I am speaking right now out of my own will!" I cried. "Vincent is Chaos which is attracted to whoever I am! Whenever Chaos awakens then something inside me awakens and............. and I........ we kiss but not out of will." Genesis stumbled back in fear. "I won't hurt you Gene. I didn't mean to let my anger out on you." I said. Genesis approached me slowly and I showed him my shoulder. He touched the tender skin and I hissed in pain. He pulled his hand back.

I covered up my shoulder once more. "Don't tell Sephiroth. This is not out of my own choice. I don't want to hurt him. For now I am going to go into the simulations." I said and walked out of my apartment. I hurried to the simulations room and was joined by Genesis. I got ready and laughed. "Come to watch me!" I said. "Well don't be to hard on me." I shook myself. Suddenly I found myself in a simulation. I answered my phone.

"Well get ready for some intense training!" Genesis said. "This may be hard on you." I found myself in a cavern. I gasped when I saw Vincent and I wanted to kill Genesis for this. I calmed myself and dodged the bullets. I got closer to him and robbed him of his gun. Vincent kicked me hard and I growled. I kneed him and then stabbed him. Vincent stumbled back. I kept calm and I tried to keep the person inside me contained. I attacked once more until he was rendered unable to move.

I closed my eyes. "So you can fight off Vincent. But only virtually." Genesis's voice taunted. I ended the mission and looked at Genesis. "I know you could kill me for this but you won't." Genesis said and smiled. I tackled him to the ground.

"How dare you!" I said through clenched teeth. Genesis laughed and pushed me off of him. I moved back only to bump into someone. "Oh god." I muttered. I turned around to see Sephiroth. I froze and looked at Genesis. "I will kill you now!" I whispered.

"Good job." Sephiroth said. "But not the attacking Genesis part. Even though he deserved it." I nodded and loosened up. "Where were you when you left?" Sephiroth asked. I ran out the door as fast as possible. Sephiroth grabbed me and my sleeve fell down exposing the marks. "You went to see Vincent." Sephiroth said outraged. "What did he do!"

"He didn't do anything out of will nor did I." I growled. "Now let me go before I break your arms!" Sephiroth let go of me. "It's what I am that's doing this! I never loved him more than a father figure." I said. "But whatever was created inside me has an attraction to the Chaos inside him. Look where it got me! I had to bear a child because of this! I can't stop myself so it's best I stay away from Vincent." I hugged Sephiroth and he hugged me back. I pulled him close to me. I forced him away and went to my apartment in which I locked myself inside. Sephiroth pounded on the door but I refused to answer.

Vincent appeared beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I fled to my bedroom. Vincent followed me. Sephiroth stopped and left. I let Vincent pull me close. "I have too many men after my heart." I said. "First it was Genesis then Sephiroth and now Chaos." I felt the claw marks start to burn and I pulled away. "You just couldn't stay away." I sighed. Vincent pulled me back to him and I growled. He ignored me.

"You know we could stop trying to fight it." Vincent commented. "It would be easier but Sephiroth wouldn't be too happy about it." I broke his arm and he swore. "Okay then! Nevermind." Vincent said. He let me go and I laughed. I healed his arm and then he pulled me close but was gently. "You still just want them to believe that you aren't wanting this. I never meant to hurt you this way." Vincent whispered.

I suddenly was trapped under his weight. He transformed into Chaos. Chaos kissed me and I struggled until suddenly I relaxed. I transformed and pulled him down on top of me. Suddenly there was a crash and Sephiroth burst into the room. He saw and I looked at him. Chaos got off of me and I gasped for breath before I was pinned against the wall by Sephiroth. I transformed back to normal. "I can't stop it Sephiroth! I want it to stop!" I cried. Angeal came in after.

Chaos transformed into Vincent. "She is not at fault." Vincent said. "I might be at fault for coming here when she deliberately told me not to. I shouldn't have come here. Just let Diana go!" Angeal put his sword to Vincent. I collapsed and grabbed a hold of Sephiroth's arm. I struggled to breath. "You're choking her!" Vincent exclaimed. I started to feel faint and I let go of Sephiroth's arm. Everything went black.


Darn my neck was sore but why? I opened my eyes and saw my friends surrounding me. "This not some funeral is it?" I struggled to say. Sephiroth had a dark expression. I tried to sit up but someone stopped me. Angeal smiled at me. "Just rest." Angeal said. I curled up in my bed suddenly I groaned and got the attention of everyone.

"My shoulder." I groaned. "It burns." Vincent laughed quietly. He shifted slightly. I went back to laying straight. I sat up even though they protested. Vincent continued to laugh. "It's not that bad. Sephiroth could have killed me already. He had many opportunities so he won't kill me now." I protested. Sephiroth looked at me.

"As stubborn as a wall." Vincent said. "She won't stop until you guys see it her way. She can rip your heart out if she wanted to." Everyone even me looked at Vincent. I stood up and stumbled slightly. I laid back down and my head was spinning. I curled up on my uninjured shoulder. The claw marks showed and they were bright red. Sephiroth gasped. "Sorry I never meant to hurt her." Vincent said. "I barely even scratched her so I don't know why it's such a livid color." I groaned again and everyone started to get worried.

"Why does it have to burn!" I groaned. "Why Vincy!" Everyone laughed at the stupid nickname except for Vincent who growled. Vincent walked up to me and touched the wound. It stopped burning. "If you could just stay there I would be fine." I said a bit too loud. "And why did you have to break my door!"

"It's not broken." Angeal said. "Just slammed against the wall when Sephiroth managed to pick the lock." Suddenly the pained flared up as Vincent remove his hand from the claw marks. I screamed in pain. Vincent put his hand back on the wound. I whimpered and held his hand there. Everyone stared in shock. Vincent sighed and closed his eyes. Sephiroth growled in anger.

"I wish Hojo hadn't caused this." I said. "I wish it was Sephiroth instead of Vincent. But it seems it's not possible. Why does it not burn when Vincent touches it. Why can't I live a normal life?" Vincent dug his claws into the shoulder and I struggled. He pinned me down with his body. I growled but stayed put. Vincent stopped and blood was drawn. I suddenly felt dizzy as a spell lifted. "You mean! Chaos marked me......." I said. Vincent nodded. He took off his cloak and wrapped my arm in it. Vincent kissed the top of my head and exited the room.

I transformed. "Chaos." I said with the silky voice. "Chaos my love. I love you..... come here." Vincent came in shocked. He saw me and he kept back. Angeal restrained me. I struggled until there was an audible crack and I stopped. I went back to normal. Angeal's hand was broken and I healed his hand. "I can't control myself and I am sorry Angeal." I cried and Angeal nodded. I curled up with my blood covering my shirt. Sephiroth laid down beside me and let me cry into his chest. "I don't want this." I cried. Genesis sat down at the edge of the bed.

I sat up. Vincent left through the open window and I managed to relax. I managed to stop crying. Genesis looked at Sephiroth. I hugged Genesis and then afterwards I punched him in the gut. He groan and I laughed. "You deserved that. How is Zack?" I asked Angeal. Then I saw his expression change.

"Minerva and Zack went out on a mission together. Zack got injured and Minerva is watching over him in the hospital." Angeal said. I gasped and stood up. "Minerva insisted you stay safe because Hojo spoke of something when you left." Sephiroth said. I looked at Sephiroth and nodded.

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