Asking Ziyal out

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The young woman strolled around the promenade, stopping at one of the big windows by the upper pylons. The view at the black space outside was amazing from here. She liked to watch the wormhole opening, she found it fascinating every time. Her black hair was braided into several braids which were tied together at back of her neck with a golden hairclip. She wore the green-grey dress which she wore to the springball match.

"The view is quite spectacular isn't it?" The unexpected voice startled her, giving her goose-bumps. She turned around, even though she already knew who it was: Garak - her new friend - as of yesterday.

"Hello." she said quietly still a bit startled.

"Oh did I startle you? My apologies, that was not my intention." he said bowing slightly to her.

"It's alright, how are you Garak? Is there something you wish to tell me?" she said noticing the subtle signs about his demeanor which told her he had been thinking about something.

Garak sometimes wondered if she could read thoughts, but as any betazoid genes were rather unlikely, he blamed her intellect instead. She was very smart, he wondered if he would ever be able to lie to her, without her recognizing it. "Yes as a matter of fact there is. You see, I usually have lunch with doctor Bashir, it always helps to keep my mind fresh - exchanging thoughts and opinions with him. But unfortunately the doctor has a meeting today and won't be able make it. I could of course eat alone, but I considered, would you be interested in having lunch with me? I enjoyed the holosweep program yesterday, and I would like to repay the favour."

Ziyal took a moment to consider his proposal, then looked at him and replied: "Yes I would like that."

"Excellent then meet me at Quark's 12:00 hours." he said smiling at her.

"Very well, I'll see you later then." she said, returning the smile.

"I look forward to it."

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