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Corpses were being brought in by the hundreds. Skeletal workers made sure to keep the ghouls away from the rotting bodies, as their eternal hunger tempted them to consume their new recruits. The Eastern Plaguelands had been mostly conquered by the Scourge forced, washing over the land like a swarm of locus. It was heart-wrenching to the civilians of the land. Though, Arthas himself was once one himself. Now, he gaze upon the decaying land with no more than a cold stare from above Archus. Not a hint of remorse had come across the Lich King's face after all these years.

Even then he could not afford such weaknesses - he did not even have such. No, now was it was the time for the Scourge to fulfill their purpose and turn the whole of Azeroth into a necrotic dystopia. That was his dream. His only drive.

His loyal Scourgelord stood beside him, also glancing down onto the recruitments being brought up to the floating fortress. Her gaze moved over to his blade, Frostmourne, her blackened eyes lingering there as faint memories buzzed within her skull. Quickly, they were nulled once her master sensed them. The Quel'Dorei flinched slightly, a spike of pain felt in her head before vanishing.

"Go on, Delora," his ghastly voice rumbled from behind his helmet. "raise me new champions of the Scourge. Our attack on The Scarlet Enclave draws near and we will not fail." He commanded. The small woman saluted to him.

"As you wish, my king." She said, her own voice echoey like his, but it did not contain the same gravelly tone. With that, Delora Desparos made her way into the halls of the Necrocroplis, heading down to the lower floor via the teleporter. There laid countless of bodies of many races from Azeroth. Her and the other necromancers began to select their bodies and got to work.

The very first body that stuck out to her was a limp Kaldorei woman with short violet locks, which had begun to fade with the curse of death. Her armour was worn and tattered, the woman clearly giving a fight before the Scourge claimed another life.

Delora dragged her out of the pile, placing her hands upon the Night Elf's sunken in cheeks.

"You will be my champion." She softly said, staring down at the corpse. "You will be my Death Dealer."

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