1. The End Is Where It Begins

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Fae's P.O.V

It was dark and cold. Where was I? Who was I? These questions swirled around in my head - if I truly had a form. I could not see or feel anything other than the uncomfortable temperature. There was nothing I could do about it anyways, as I had no limbs to escape from this chilling area. Floating in nothingness.

That is until a familiar, rumbling voice called out.

"You're ours." It cooed, victoriously. "Ours! Ours! OURS!" It's voice was now booming, causing me pain. My ears were likely bleeding from the loudness. They ringed, my hearing returning to me shortly after. Suddenly, an array of eyes glowed in the shadows, each opening one by one. It was horrific. The creature began to cackle, the scenery soon fading into existence. I was naked, laying in grey sands. The sky above was empty, a black hole above, consuming all light. It twisted and turned, the landscape warping around in my vision. Bones laid around in the dirt, ruins littering the mountains that dare rose high enough and threatened to be consumed by the vortex.

Finally, there was the nameless beast before me. Thousands of beaming yellow eyes peered out from its grotesque fleshy form. Tendrils lashed out from it's fat body, it's form almost squid-shaped. Maws babbled maddening words from it's front, causing me to scream out and cover my ears. I began to claw at my own ears, my nails digging into my flesh as I torn at my skin. No matter how much I tried though, I would simply cause myself more pain, my nails and fingers bloodied now. I curled upon the earth, withering as searing pain enveloped my  bare form with each sentence spoken by the monstrosity. It seemed amused by this, a bellowing laugh erupting from it's maws as it spoke. I attempted to smash my head against the rocks to kill myself and end my seemingly endless suffering, but I would have no luck. Only more pain.

Had it been hours? Days? Weeks? Years? I could not tell, as time was but an illusion here. It felt like eternity none of the less. It never lessened, and I hated that. I hated the creature, yet I feared what it would do to me if I dare rose up to my feet. So there I remained, pathetically curled up upon the soil, hoping that one day, the torment would cease. . .


I do not remember when it happened or how, but one day the gibberish stopped. The creature looked alarmed, a tendril whipping out towards me.

"NO! SHE'S MINE! PROMISED BY BIRTH!" It shrieked, attempting to ensnare me. I quickly rolled out of the way, my bones stiff and heavy from my lack of moving them. The vortex above beamed with a white light I had never seen before - not in this place. I gazed up at it hopefully, reaching out to it. There, a gloved hand reached out to me. I held my hand out too, and like a drowning child in a lake, I was pulled out of that hell, the white light engulfing my vision. I had been saved, but by who?


Suddenly, my form gained weight as I seemed to slam down into the situation. A rock tossed into a lake. All I could do was gasp, my chest failing to blow the air back out. What had happened to me?

I was in a haze, pinned down to a table by marred figures. I couldn't make out who they were or what they were saying. One was small and Elven, shouting at a taller man, more human in form. His armour was like ice, glinting a variety of deep blues and pastels. The High Elven woman pushed the man away from me, staring down at me. She called out, but I could not hear a word she said. It was all a buzzing and blurred mess. I simply mindlessly gazed up at her, an unknown amount of time passing before her features smoothed out.

Her skin was pale white, having grey undertones. Her cheeks were sunken in, decay taking hold mostly at her right cheek. The skin was torn up, revealing some of her teeth and gums. Her hair was a silvery hue, falling down in long wavy locks. Her eyes no longer glowed a blue hue, but were pitch black with a set of glowing white pupils. Begs had settled under them, making her appearance even more deathly. Her armour was black with a deep blue outline, the design similar to the man's.

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