2. Proving One's Self

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Delora's P.O.V

It took a few hours to get Durefae's measurements for her armour, but Instructor Razuvious assured me it would be done by the end of today. I certainly owed him a favour. Saronite was our main import from Northrend, and to ask for Mithril was typically scoffed at. However, I was a Scourgelord, a select group of talented Death Knights. I could make outrageous demands if they were with reason. In this case, I was formulating a unique blade of the Scourge. I had placed my faith in her and in my own ability to lead her and the new recruits.

I had left Durefae to training with her designated trainer, allowing me to visit the other newbies. The ones that survived the transformation with their sanity and intellect still intact was a total of a hundred out of four hundred today. Those with fragmented psyches were simply thrown into the mines or warped into geists. They would benefit the Scourge one way or another.

There I was, looking over our latest battle plans with Darian and the others. The Horseman curiously inspected the parchment, ivory figurines carved into the shapes of human men, dyed in crimson. Those represented the Scarlet Crusaders while we had Death Knight-shaped idols to represent the glorious Scourge.

"We're going to need more Death Chargers from the Shadowland's to obtain new mounts for our fresh batch of Death Knights." He informed Darian, who picked up one of the Scourge pieces. He placed it at Death's Breach, rubbing his chin.

"We can send more Death Knights in to assist you with taming the Death Chargers, Salanar." He suggested. The Horseman nodded sternly, agreeing with his idea.

"How many?" I inquired, fearing our forces could be spread out too thin.

"No more than thirty should be needed. With the take over of the mines, we have gained the upper hand. We plan on sending forces out to the crypts soon to set up a foothold there."

"I can get some of the new recruits to craft some ghouls for that venture then." I offered. Darion seemed pleased with this and nodded.

"We are going to need a group to sneak behind enemy lines. Though, I fear our Death Knights are far too clunky in those thick plates. We could send in geists but. . ."

"Their intelligence is quite low." One of the San'layn princes mused. I raised my hand, chiming in.

"May I purpose a solution to our stealth problem?" I inquired for permission to speak. I was one of the lower ranks in this meeting. They were my brothers and sisters in death; I respected them. While most of the High Elven race would hate and loath the humans before me, the Scourge had all but erased that few from us.

All of their heads turned to me, questions dancing on the tips of their tongues as I spoke. "I can assess the latest batch of Death Knights; those with lithe forms and traces of shadow magic in their veins will under go training."

"Training for what?" The vampiric Blood Elf asked, a hint of annoyance lacing his tone. I wasn't being clear enough. I remained composure and went on.

"Stealth, assassination, recon, sabotage. They will fit our needs, seeing as the Shades Of Naxxramas are no longer with us." The group pondered, rubbing their chins and weighing out the pros and cons. The pros would be we'd finally have some proper stalkers among our ranks - intelligent ones for that matter. The cons would be that they would not be trained as Death Knights to their fullest extent.

"So you are purposing a group of Death Knight-Rogue crossbreeds? Such as the likes as Sylvanas' Deathstalkers, but with the blessing of the Lich King?" Darion inquired for clarification.

"Do not mention her name in these halls." That icy voice was all too familiar. It cut through the room as if it were butter. I felt my body tense. Each step he took, his massive plates of Saronite clicked together. The room was silent. All eyes turned to him, but no one would dare make eye contact with Arthas Menilth.

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