3. The Phantom Blades

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Fae's P.O.V

It took a few hours for the blacksmith to shape my plates accordingly to my body. I was of some use though, as he used my body as a scale for his measurements. Though once he was done, I was truly impressed. The dark magics he had infused into the armour had caused it to fade into an ashy black hue; abandoning its original sparkling blue colour. My gloves were lined with thick fur, my right shoulder pad resembling a skull, while the other was lined with spikes. They seemed to emit a transparent blue mist from time to time, making it appear more icy and cold.

"Standard Death Knight plate: Mithril edition." Krida victoriously pronounced his creation. I scooped up a plate, unsure of how to equip it. I saw some straps, but I had no idea what order to put each plate on. Krida noticed my confusion and laughed. He approached me, moving my arms up without so much as asking. With little care, he applied my chest plate to my torso, before placing on my shoulder pads and gloves. He went step-by-step, informing me on how to put each piece on and in what sequence. I made sure to take a mental note of everything he said. The armour was a bit heavy, but being undead seemed to lessen the load. I had discovered a new strength.  Once he was finished, he spoke. "Now, study up with and then visit one of the horsemen. They'll help you into the Shadowlands."

"Alright. I won't let you down, Krida." I nodded. He gently punched my plated shoulder.

"You best not. I worked hard on that set of armour." The skeleton jested. I snickered, nodding in agreement with him. He gave me two basic steel short swords for the time being to defend myself in the Shadowlands with. Krida warned me of the dangerous shades of long dead warriors that lingered in the dark regions of the realm.

With that, I retrieved the tome from earlier, placing it under my arm as I headed on down to the training area. I noticed the halls were slightly empty, most of the forces funnelling out to the balcony of the Necrocroplis. Skeletal Griffins took to the darkened sky, bringing out forces down to the camp below. I had yet to be there, as I had not completed my training yet. I however, had manage to catch a few glimpses of the foothold below us. I knew that soon, I would join my brothers and sisters down there. Down at Death's Breach, I would prove my worth to the Lich King.

I reached the training quarters, where I took a seat on the rim of the arena. There, I watched the other Death Knights spar what could only appear to be the living. They looked so similar to us, asides from the fact they appeared move vibrant in colour. Their skin wasn't washed out like ours, their eyes arrays of different colours while ours were only limited to reds, icy blues and the occasional blacks. It was interesting watching them fear us. They deemed us 'monsters' and 'unholy'. I was curious as to why, but then a voice entered my mind.

"We are the locus that washes over this world. We are purging it of its flaws. The living are flawed. They do not understand our cause. Make them understand."

I questioned what the voice meant, but I quickly understood. This was the Lich King in my mind. I felt pride and honour swell in my being. He contacted me. I felt more determination in my mission.

Opening the book to the assigned page, studying its contents. Wraith Walking: the ability to temporarily enter the Shadowlands - the land of the dead. Every inked word I took in. I eventually lost track on the hours I spent engulfed in the old dust words. As I began to review the spell in my mind, I felt the words beginning to come more naturally to me. Finally, I grew enough confidence to cast the spell. Standing triumphantly, I held the tome in my right hand, while channeling my focus into my left hand. With my icy blue eyes locked on the tome's calligraphy, I began to chant the foreign words out loud. Blackened runes spread out from my feet and formed complex glyphs around me. Glowing blue energy soon filled the onyx symbols, humming loudly. Before I knew it, the world washed out into an all too familiar black and white setting.

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