How To Make Love.

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How To Make Love.

The ingredients to make love are complicated.
You must have a sour touch, but the ratio of sour and sweet must be unequal.
There's should be more sweetness than sour.

The mixture should be nice, but if one over lays the
Other, it won't be good and others will spot it first.
You will deny it, wanting to make it look like it is good.
But you know it's not.

You guys should spill all the flour, vanilla, eggs, and everything raw before you even dare whisking.

Make sure that when you guys are being heated, you guys both rise and bake wanting to.

The wet and dry ingredients are put together to balance each other out.

And if it comes out more dry
Or more wet
You can't rebake it
You can't put out the flour, vanilla, or eggs now
It's too late.

You simply must throw it away.
And make another one.

And hope, this one comes out better.


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