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......."Ok New York, let's finish this last song together......LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM IT LOUD...."

Harry swinging his hips around holding the mic out toward the crowd encouraging them to join along.

".....Yeah I see you at the bar, At the edge of my bed, Backseat of my car, In the back of my head. I come alive when I hear your voice, It's a beautiful sound, It's a beautiful noise. Yeah I see you at the bar, at the edge of my bed, Backseat of my car, In the back of my head. I come alive when I hear your voice. It's a beautiful sound, it's a beautiful noise. Hey angel, Hey angel, Do you look up to the sky? Do you look up to the sky? Oh I wish I could be more like you, Do you wish you could be more like me? Oh I wish I could be more like you, Do you wish you could be more like me? Hey angel... Hey angel......."

"Great job New York!! Thank you for joining me and making me feel so welcome as I start my solo career. As you heard along with my new music I will still be including some of my favorite One Direction songs at all of the shows along the tour. If I didn't I would be telling you all even more of my hilarious jokes!! I've got three more exciting nights here at Madison Square Garden, hope to see you all again soon, all the love, love you all loads, goodnight" Harry lows kisses and bows with praying hands as he runs off the stage to get to his dressing room.

He's running, skipping and twirling down the hall till he reaches his dressing room door. He burst through the door letting out a squeal as he's met by his friends that are there to support him for his very first concert as a solo artist. The lot run up engulfing him in a tight group hug. "Damn Haz that show was incredible" "Amazing you blew us all away" "So proud of you, must've been strange without us up there with you" "Harry you are going to make my ratings go through the roof once we get you in for that interview" Harry's head is spinning as he try's to take it all in as they are all talking at once. "Wow, thanks guys!!, Niall, Liam I know you guys are going with me to the hotel suite tonight to catch up but I'd like to invite you all back as well, ED? James? 5SSOS? Are you all up for it?" He says to his crowd of friends. "HELL YES HARRY......lets get to it" they all yell back.

Harry walks over to Paul informing him that the lot would be heading back to the hotel to celebrate. Paul nods getting on the Walkie alerting security to prepare for the transport of the men to The Plaza Hotel. Paul has security pull four Black vans into the underground area to load them all in so they won't be attacked by the paparazzi. They all pile in, divided into two of the vans, while the other two are used as decoys. Paul knew there was no such thing as being too safe. All four vans pull out going in different directions to throw the crowds off fans and paparazzi waiting outside the venue. The two vans containing the men pull into The Plazas secret unloading area for high profile celebrities. Before getting out, the area is secured for the men to get on the lift that will take them straight to the penthouse. Harry turns to them and yells "let the celebration BEGIN!!" As the lift starts to the top of the posh hotel.

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