"Well Hello Flowers"

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"Ok Haz, I've ordered 10 of everything on the room service menu, while we wait you lot gather around and let's toast our brother to celebrate his kick ass performance on stage tonight!!" Niall yells out into the room while passing out shots of Harry's favorite tequila. Harry stands in the middle of his closest friends blushing"wait ...WAIT..Niall did you actually order 10 of everything on the menu?!?! Never mind I already know the answer, somethings never change do they Nialler?" James smiles proudly and then raises his glass.

"Harry we have all know you so many years, you truly are our family, you deserve every second of happiness that life has to offer, here's to your many years of success, much love from all of us" In unison the group raises their glasses and exclaim "CHEERS MATE!!" Everyone downing their shots then crush Harry in a group hug.

"You lot have no idea how much this means to me, I was very nervous being out their on my own, knowing you all were here for me calmed me down, thanks for loving and supporting me, now Niall how about another round for everyone"

"Liam can you follow me for a sec?" I grabbed him by the hand and brought him out to the balcony. "Harry, listen I already know what you are gonna ask and YES, yes I did send him a text, as a matter of fact I've sent a few with no reply sadly." I just looked out over the balcony knowing that was going to be his answer while hoping the whole time that I was going to be wrong. "I just don't understand, the four of us literally grew up together, brothers to the end we always promised"

I just have memories flashing through my mind of all our crazy One Direction days. I look to Liam and put my hand on his shoulder knowing he's hurting too but for far different reasons. "Hey you two twats, what's the big secret." Niall said joining us on the balcony with more shots. Liam and I take the shots from him and let out a sigh. Without saying a word to Niall I see his whole expression change as we raise our glasses, "To Zayn" I tell the guys that we should get in and join the others and we could talk about all this another time.

KNOCK, KNOCK is heard from the door. Ed goes to the door to answer knowing it's going to be room service.

"NO.....ED....NO, don't answer the door!!.....we have to wait for the secret knock from Paul so we know it's safe to open, may be a fan that's found us" Ed nods to me and giggles, good plan Haz. I walk to the door and knock twice, I pause then knock one last time, the knock is returned to me from the other side of the door but in reverse, Knock.........Knock,Knock. I open the door to see Paul with two workers pushing two overflowing carts of food into the suite.

Calum shows the two girls to the dinning area of the suite. "So are you girls fans of my boy Harry?" Both girls look at each other blushing before looking back at Calum nodding and giggling. "Well come on then, what are your names? Let me introduce you."
I hear Calum talking to the girls as I walk in to introduce myself but before I could, "H-hi....Hi Harry I'm Jenn and this here is my friend Lexi. We are both huge fans of yours ever since XFactor, we are so excited to be here in a suite full of our Idols"

I noticed that Lexi was turning white and shaking, I brought her into a hug and had her sit for a minute to sort herself out. "Lexi, just relax, I'm just a normal person just like you, yeah?" I look her over noticing she has a perfect chestnut brown ponytail, nice soft features and hazel eyes that were filled with tears. "Jenn, she gonna be ok?" I was looking for reassurance.

"I..I-I'm ok, thank you Harry. T-thank you, you are so sweet, Jenn and I will leave you to celebrate with everyone" I nod and help her up and bring both girls into the lounge area for introductions, autographs and photos. Paul escorts them out.

I look over to Ashton shaking my head and raising my hands "I don't know man, I'll never get use to people reacting that way to me, to any of us really. We are just regular lads" I get a big dimply grin in return from him. "Haz it's hard not to fangirl over you, you are a real stud muffin!!" I give him a smile back "cheeky Ash, real cheeky"

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