Chapter 2

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Sunday November 13th

Alex is awoken by a pillow being smashed into her face repeatedly. It's not pleasant at all. "Pick up the phone, Lex." Kelley's groggy voice says. Alex just noticed the apparent ringing that's going on somewhere near the edge of her bed, but also the fact that Kelley's somehow ended up in her bed too. Alex rolls herself over and throws an arm over the edge of the bed patting around for her phone.

"Hello?" Her face is half smushed into the pillow and she's mumbling, but whatever. It's Sunday and she shouldn't have to get up till she wants to.

"Hey." The voice on the other side of the line automatically get's Alex to flip over on her back and pay more attention.


"Yeah, that's me."

"Hi?" Alex has half a mind to be mad, but it's early, or she thinks so. Plus Tobin's got that whole cute factor helping her out.

"I'm sorry." Tobin breaths into the phone after a bit. She knows she did the worst thing by running out of that practice, but she just couldn't be there. The day itself had been long and overwhelming and the soccer didn't help.

"It's fine." No it's not actually fine with Alex, but pushing isn't the best approach. Alex hears Tobin sigh into the phone.

"Do you climb?"

"Climb what?" Alex replies.

"Rock Climb."

"Nope, I've never done it."

"Want to?"



"Text me the details?" Alex really just wants Tobin to text her so it isn't that awkward first text conversation.


When they hang up Alex turns to her side and pokes Kelley in the face. "What are you doing in my bed?" Alex hears Kelley grunt. "I came to check on you and then I just sorta fell asleep."

"Get out." Alex uses her feet to push Kelley off the other side of her bed. Kelley rolls off with a thump and Alex doesn't even care. She's pretty sure Kelley's going to end up sleeping there for another hour or so. Alex hears her text tone go off and turns back around to get her phone.

A text from Tobin. Alex also realizes it's already eleven. The text reads: 'I think it'll be easier if I pick you up. Maybe like 12?' Alex smiles a bit and replies with a quick, 'Okay, yeah. (:' and throws her phone back onto the floor.

"Kelley?" Alex rolls to the other side of the bed and hangs her head off of it to look at her best friend. When she doesn't get a response and still doesn't feel like opening her eyes she grabs the pillow from underneath her head and hits the space she thinks Kelley's face is on the floor.

"Dude, you're an asshole."

"You're in my room."

"Alex, shut up." Kelley replies taking the pillow out of Alex's hand and shoving it over her face to block out the sunlight and her annoying best friend.

Alex shuffles herself off the bed and towards her bathroom grabbing her towel and some clothes on the way. "Lex, where are you gooooooooing?" Kelley is whiny sometimes, but whatever.

"Showering." Alex replies before shutting the bathroom door.


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