Chapter 4

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Friday November 24th


"Yeah, just let me load up my bags." Tobin was sitting on the sidewalk in front of her apartment complex with one suitcase and a duffle bag when Kelley, Hope and Alex pulled up.

They leave for Cali today. Kelley and Hope are going to Diamond Bar as well because Kelley's family actually lives down the street from Alex. That's how they're such good friends. Hope's staying with Kelley for a bit before they fly up to Seattle to visit Hope's family.

"Alright, we've got a few hours, but we can just hang at the airport."

"Babe, our flight connects us to JFK and then into the one near Diamond Bar, right?" Hope asks just to clarify their travel plans. Kelley's not exactly all that organized. Her room being the main example.

"Yeah something like that." Kelley answers and goes back to rocking to whatevers on the radio.


"You're my airplane buddy." Alex hooks her arm through Tobin's and drags her through the connector between the airplane and the gate at the airport.

"Are you forcing me to sit near you?"

"Well, considering I purchased our tickets so that they'd be near each other, yes."

"You're so clever."

"Don't act like you don't want to be next to me." Alex jokes back leaning into Tobin a bit.

"That's true, who wouldn't want your sleepy drooling face next to theirs on a plane for a couple hours?"

"How do you know I drool?"

"You just admitted it to me." Tobin smirks and Alex immediately shoves Tobin in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Play nice you too. We need to get you to Diamond Bar in one piece!" Kelley yells from behind them.

Kelley smiles at the duo that's walking into the airplane in front of her and Hope.

"Are they together yet?" Hope asks in a whisper.


"Wanna bet they will be before breaks over?" Hope and her competitive attitude.

"My money's on after Christmas."

"I think it'll be next week. Tobin's only here for two." Kelley's confident. She knows Alex.

"Fine, but I'll win. They'll get together after they've been apart."

"Babe, no." Kelley kisses Hope on the cheek and runs forward to catch up with Tobin and Alex.

"You suck!" Hope calls after Kelley. Her girlfriend turns around and sticks her tongue out. "Just for you!" Hope literally facepalms at that.

"What was that about?" Alex asks Kelley when she catches up to them.

"Oh nothing, Hope's just being Hope."

"You're so weird." Alex says to Kelley while hooking her arm back with Tobin's.

"Shut up, are you excited to go back?" Kelley asks Alex. Their families have always been close.

"Yeah! Should be fun. I miss the warm."

"How about you, Tobin? Excited to meet the Morgans. They're pretty insane. You can come hide at my house if they drive you nuts."

"Woah! You didn't tell me they were insane, Lex." The nickname slipped out before Tobin could catch herself. Alex just smiles wide and responds; "Well, you've met me...and I am their child."

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