Tests & Curses

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A/N: Sorry guys, another filler chapter, based on an event in English *checks time: 12:15 am* yesterday - the story will begin to shift with the next update, I promise :)

"Ok class, 5 minutes to go,"

The statement sets alarm bells ringing through my head - 40 minutes of attempted concentration resulted in just over a side of work on "How is Reverend Hale presented by Miller at the start of the play?". Sighing, as I feel I have exhausted the subject matter and have nothing more to comment, I pull over my To Kill A Mockingbird homework and begin to copy up the final paragraph I wrote on the train to school this morning (I had written the rest up in the previous Biology lesson). My paper is collected in, whilst I keep looking at my phone, attempting to decipher the gobbledygook my sleep-deprived brain managed to produce.

The bell rings, signalling the end of the test and, as per usual, the other students flood out of the classroom as if there's no tomorrow. I continue to diligently finish my homework.

"Oi Madam, you're cheating again?" The blonde English teacher asks me teasingly, a small smile gracing her features, referencing a number of occasions when I have point-blank refused to stop writing long after the end of a test.

"No Miss," I reply with all sincerity. "My Crucible essay is in your pile with the rest. This is Mockingbird," I finish pointing to my exercise book, sighing with relief as I complete my final sentence, now eager to hand it in and be done with my English homework. As much as I am besotted with her, her homeworks are a complete pain in the backside!

Her smile drops, and a look of extreme annoyance replaces it. "Oh fu...I mean...DAMNIT!" She yells, hands clasped tightly over her mouth to halt the string of expletives about to flow into the classroom. "I've forgotten to take the Mockingbird homework in! Well, that's ruined my marking schedule, scuppered my weekend..." She continues to rant, and I can't help but laugh at her and clap, slowly and sarcastically. She glares at me, a maiming look if ever there was one, before she allows her smile to return, and eventually joins in laughing at the situation.

"Right, next week you're gonna have to remind me about it - you can do it discretely so you don't look like the grass if you like," she says, as we are both finally able to control our giggling fit. She suddenly seems to remember something.

"There's something on my desk for you," she says, voice returning to normal.

"Oooh, I like presents!" I say eagerly, as I walk over to her desk. I quickly realise it's the revision guides I ordered weeks ago - not exactly the most exciting "present" in the world. Nevertheless, she is equally surprised and amused by my reaction.

Looking at her watch, Sarah sighs and says "Shoot, I'm meant to be on break duty in 5 minutes," breaking the moment.

"Yeah," I respond. "I'd better claim the rest of my break and finish my Physics homework," We both begin to walk out of the classroom.

"What is it with you and getting homework in just in time?" Sarah says with a small laugh. "It's a trait, Miss - everything is done just in time." I reply as we walk along the corridor. "Well, at least it's just in time, rather than late" she retorts as we part ways.

I watch as she disappears down the corridor, hips swinging, rucksack perched on one shoulder. Sighing contentedly, I head to the canteen to finish the lunch break...

A/N 2: I actually really like this chapter - nothing untoward happens! Plus 95% of it is real, and the event was quite funny, although I was creeped out today when I realised my real English teacher always calls me "Madam"...anyway, I'll shut up now :D

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