L: Unrest

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a feeling of disturbance and dissatisfaction in a person.

Jonathan was the only one of them who was arrested, but all three of them went in the back of the police car. Callaghan held a tissue to his nose, which had bled slightly but he had overall reacted dramatically. The punch that Jonathan had delivered to him had not been intended for him, he just got in the way of the pull back. The punch was meant for Steve, and Emilia wished he had gotten that last one in, enough to get Steve arrested too. Powell had been unable to catch him, and gave up pursuit by the end of the alleyway.

Only a few minutes of silence -so painful that Emilia was tempted to ask them to turn up their police-chatter radio so that there was something she could listen to- went by before they showed up at the station. Hawkins was so small, Emilia wasn't surprised that these two cops had shown up at the fight -they weren't looking for them, but stumbled upon them. They had Jonathan cuffed, and did not un-cuff him as they brought him into the station. They called Joyce and Hopper, but got no answer from either of them. Instead, they were forced to wait, and Emilia figured that would be their punishment anyhow; chances were, Callaghan wouldn't charge Jonathan for assaulting a police officer, but maybe for causing a public disturbance.

"What were you girls doing there?" Powell asked Nancy and Emilia as they both walked into the station; they'd brought Jonathan in ahead, and they were intending to sit next to him while they waited. Powell had cut them off, and now his hands were upon his hips as he waited for an answer.

"We weren't doing anything that wasn't allowed," Emilia said, although it was partially a lie. "The kid that Jonathan was... beating up... is a bad person. Jonathan was just defending himself, his family, and us."


"Nancy and me," she half smiled. "He didn't mean to hit Officer Callaghan."

Just when Emilia said that, Callaghan walked passed, "Felt like it."

"You're being overdramatic," Emilia tossed, hoping playful banter might lighten the mood, but really all she wanted was for Hopper to be there.

"What's your last name?" Callaghan stood beside Powell, his nose no longer bleeding.

"Roth, why?"

"O-oh," He drew out the vowel sound, "Never mind."

"Why?" Emilia stood taller, never having been so aggressive towards a police officer. The way he reacted to her last name made her feel a sense of unrest within herself.

"I was go-ing to call your parents," He drew out his words again, "But I ain't calling William Roth."

Emilia went so pale that both the officers made her sit down on a chair. It was hard plastic but she was relieved to no longer have to rely on her feet to hold her up. With a spinning head, she took a few deep breaths. A soft hand on her back soothed her, reminded her of a time where her mother used to comfort her like that. When she focused in, she realized it was Nancy, and cast her a thankful expression. Tuning back into real life, she shook her head, "Please don't call him."

"Jeez kid, is it that bad?" Powell was standing in front of her.

She shrugged, "I-I haven't been home in a, a while."

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