It was a "hectic", as Leonard put it, day in the waverider. Everyone seemed to be picking fights, Sarah and Rip are neck to neck, Ray and Kendra are at each others throats, and Stein is grumpy from something Leonard said during the fight to take down savage yesterday.Yes, all is vicious and it seemed as if it has been days since we got stuck in space by something that was holding our ship, and it also seems as though no one is paying any attention to the fact that, WE MIGHT BE STUCK HERE FOREVER!
And to add to it Mick and I are the only sane ones left. Hearing enough of the endless argument you decide to head towards the kitchen to get a beer. But on the way there you accidently bump into an unwanted figure in your path.
"Watch dumb head." Rip scowls as you stop abruptly at the name thrown at you. "Resorting to childish nicknames are we now." you snap sounding a little too much like Snart. "No miss Y/N, just stating facts. Face it! You and mister Rory aren't exactly the cleverest people on this ship, your quite the opposite actually." You freeze at the harsh words coming from Rips mouth like venom. Yeah, you knew you weren't a genius but you sure as hell weren't dumb. And neither was Mick.
"Listen you ass!" you shouted. "Mick and I may not be geniuses but we sure as hell aren't dumb! Say that about me or especially Mick again and you won't have me on this team anymore!" you spit out as he grunts and walks away.
Your power came from the explosion you were a typical meda. Except your power is quite fascinating and also a great curse. You had the ability to suck life and energy out of anything you touched or from lightning comeing from your hands, leaving it lifeless or vitally injured.
So that's why you always have to wear dumb gloves and cover every inch of your body. Not your face of course, but even if someone touched that they would be dead within minutes. Nomatter how much you tried and Ray, you couldn't control your curse.
This also means you could never care for or about someone, no feelings, no strife, no heartache. Simple as that although Sarah and Ray didn't think so. They keep telling you one day you'll have control. You gave up along time ago. But no matter how hard you try ever since you joined this damn teaming couldn't help but devolope some unwanted feelings for the oh so famous Heat Wave. Yeah, and you find yourself having hope that one day, you might just get to touch him in a loving way with no power interruptions at all.
But so much for dream land.
As you walk into the kitchen/bar area of the waverider you should have known Mick would be here. You walk over to the fridge and grab a beer. Snart and you are the only ones who can actually get away with stealing micks beer. You don't even know why.
You take a seat on the bar counter by the slouched man drinking at the bar. "Why are you hear?" He asks as you smirk. "Well, obviously everyone has their world war threes going on betweeneach other so, here I am." you say as Mick looks at you for a bit. You shift uneasy from his stare. "What?" you ask smiling. "Well, its just funny how they say were dumb and all of them go and do this." He smirks as you get butterflies in your stomach from nowhere.
You let out a hearty chuckle shaking your head. "I know right. All this and Rip literally just called us dumb heads." you say as Micks expression changes to angry. "What? Why that son of a-" but before he could storm to rip you held him down. "No Mick. Just leave him, after all its nothing new." you shrug as he relaxes again. "He shouldn't be calling a lady that no matter what." Mick says as you furrow your eyebrows. After saying that Mick looked a bit flustered at his own words.
"Well. When did mister Rory go and get manners, especially about lady's." you say with a sly tone. He grunts in response as you realise. Wait, are you really flirting with Mick? Can't say you weren't enjoying it.
"So your powers." Mick states making you look at him. "So?" you ask curious to why he is bringing them up. "Show me what they can do again." He says with the slightest interested tone. Everyone knows you hate your powers so no one usually asks to see them.
"I don't really want to." you sigh. "Why not?" he asks looking into your eyes. You could almost feel the awkwardness emitting from you. "Well." you sigh once again. "They make me feel, um, cruel I guess, and evil in a way." you continue. "Just knowing I can put make the life away from something so fast. It just, its hard to explain." by now Mick is fully interested in you, so much that you start to blush.
Wanting a distraction from the red creeping up your cheeks you hop off the bar counter and walk over to a live plant in a pot at the end of the counter. You slip off your leather gloves and immediately the sparks and lightning dances between your fingers.
You glance torwards Mick who is looking fascinated as though u have a flame dancing around instead. You lower your hand and place a finger on the green flourishing plant. It took only about ten seconds for it fully wither under your mere touch. This somehow just made you more depressed and you quickly slipped the glove back on.
As you turn around it startles you that Mick is now right behind you looking on in wonder at the plant. "Its amazing." he says impressed. You smile and look towards the ground. "They aren't really." you sigh walking to the same spot and hopping to sit on the bar counter again. He walks infront of you again. Mick stops and just stares straight at you. "W-why are you staring at me." you ask stuttering a bit.
He has no reply but instead reaches his own ,non-gloved hands out and takes your gloved ones. Your eyes meet his as you feel something being slipped off your hand. U quickly look down to see he is taking your gloves off. You wince once he gets them fully off. Mick reaches and almost touches them but you jump down and step away in a quick movement. "No Mick. Don't you see, I-i can't control them. You know how many times I've wanted to touch you the way you were about to touch me? I could k-kill you Mick." I say as he steps toward you.
"Y/N, im not good at all with talking about, well, you know. But I just want to touch you one time, just once." Mick says as a tear falls down your face. He then reaches once more for your hands. "Mick with how nervous I am I could kill you right away." you say quickly. Mick just looks straight into your eyes making your heart skip a beat. Soon you feel something you haven't felt in two years.
A hand touch yours.
You look down and become worried a little. "Shhh... Don't let fear take over." you hear Mick say as the fear totally slips away. Soon he has a full grasp on your hand. You start crying for joy when you see nothing is happening. Everything is normal. A big smile forms on your lips and you meet his eyes once more. "I told you." he grumbles as you laugh a bit. Then you feel one of his hands slip out of yours and up to your cheek cupping it.
You get lost in his eyes as you slowly lean in as he does to. And slowly your lips meet sending an unbelievable feeling through out your entire body. You move your lips in sync with Mick and he slips his tongue in making the kiss deeper just enjoying the feeling. You can't begin to believe that you are kissing someone, let alone Mick Rory.
As you bothpart gasping for breathes you can barely think. "Now that want that bad was it?" Mick says smirking. You smile and press your lips together once more pushing him against the bar before he pulls away again. "Someone's a bit needy isn't she." he slurs. You place your lips on his slightly as you smirk. "You don't even know." you say as you begin the heated making out session again.
"Hey you guys were back on trac-" you here Ray say as he stops. "Woah I see you found out how to control your powers Y/N." you both part as you blush looking over at him. Soon Sarah is by his side and smirks at the sight of you two. "We should've thought of this earlier Ray." she says before winking and dragging Ray away from the room.
You giggle looking back at Mick who is staring at you and he cups either side of your face. "Your truly beautiful Y/N."
So first Mick imagine. Hope you guys like it! And requests are very open if you'd like one just message me! Ily all!

Wentworth Miller/Dominic Purcell Imagines
FanfictionRequests are Closed for now sorry. This will be imagines about Leonard Snart, Mick Rory from DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Michael Scofield, and Lincoln Burrows from Prison Break. Hope you enjoy them all!