Requests are Closed for now sorry. This will be imagines about Leonard Snart, Mick Rory from DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Michael Scofield, and Lincoln Burrows from Prison Break. Hope you enjoy them all!
"We have one more chance to make this whole plan work!" Rip shouts while all of the team is in the main room of the wavrider. "And this hinges on a bar atmosphere. Sarah, you will be dressed as meet-up, and Snart you will be her meet-up. Ray and Kendra, you two will be going in for a bar-date, I guess. And Mr. Rory you will be going in as a regular guy looking for a good time. And Y/N, you will be a waitress. Firestorm will be with me getting information." we all nod and you cringe at your position. Why a waitress? Out of all positions!
You all go to your rooms to dress in uniform for this nights style. You on one hand have to wear a sceezy looking outfit. Blah!
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You slip it on and feel naked practically, you can't walk out there like this infront of Mick, wait,
You find yourself scolding your mind at the thought of thinking of Mick like that.
You exam everything in your mirror and walk out just as rip calls everyone through the speakers. Walking into the main room you prepare yourself for feeling ugly. Ray, stops and clearly checks you out and you wonder why cause you are the least bit of impressive here. Snart and Mick are blabbering away in a corner, being the only ones not staring at you right now. "What?" you ask uncomfortable.
Of course this draws the to supervillians eyes to snap to you. "Damn." Cold and Mick both mumble at once. You feel a great amount of blush creep to your cheeks and you feel so embarrassed.
As we all step out of the ship and make our way to the bar you don't seece to notice Micks steady intense stare on every curve in your body. Damn this way more uncomfortable than you imagined.
"Can I get two beers please." Snart orders winking as he nods back to Sarah. "Ehemm..." you cough winking back handing him two kegs. It is packed in this freaking bar and you can barely sees a thing. Heavy pop music is blasting through speakers and you keep your eyes on your teammates the whole time. "Hey kiddo." you hear a deep raspy voice and look to see Mick, you half smile and turn towards him.
"How bout you get me a beer sweetheart." he says giving you a wink making your cheeks go crimson. You walk to go get Mick a drink, his stare still on your back, well, probably your ass.
"Here you are Mr. Rory." you say as he closes the lighter he was staring at when you left. "Thanks." he mumbles taking the beer. "So," Mick says facing you. "So?" you say confused. "You look sexy tonight." Mick smirks as the most surprised face makes its way onto yours. "Um, t-thanks, I guess." you say your voice cracking furiously. And with that he walks away.
What the hell.
A few hours later you are on break outside of the bar. Still very flustered from Micks earlier comment. Does he like you? No, he would never. Or would he? You think drinking your glass of plain water.
"Hey there pretty miss." you spin around to see a younger drunk man approaching you. "Hi." you answer smiling a bit. "What do you say we get outta here." he says as you wince at how his stenching breath smells in your face.
"Haha, no thanks." you say as he frowns. "Now see. I don't take no for an answer miss." he says grabbing you waist tightly as you struggle to get out. "Stop, your hurting me you asshole." you whimper as he only gets closer. Just before you think that this drunk man is gonna take your first kiss, someone punches him right in the side of his face.
"What the-." the man says as Mick lands another blow. The man runs off after stumbling around a bit screaming cuss words at you both. You hug Mick in utter relief. "Thank you so much." you gasp as he rubs your back.
"No problem babygirl." Mick replys making you smile widely. You look up at him and immediately get lost in his deep brown eyes. You both soon lean in making your lips meet. The best feeling ever takes over your entire body. His lips fitting yours just right.
After pulling away Mick smirks. "Rip, your waitress is signing off for the night." he says as you look into his eyes sweetly. With your arms still around his neck. You hear Rip groan. "No! We need her there Mick. Mick-" was last thing you heard before you both shut them off.
Whelp another Mick one I really enjoyed writing this one for some reason lmao idk.