You sitting in the waverider kinda lonely as you look through some things in the quarters. There isn't much. Everyone else had family to go and visit and you had none left so....
"Ugh." you sigh sitting in the main deck seats munching on Doritos. You know, so lame right. "What!? No way Mick. Just happy!" you here a jolly voice say and you know Mick is back but was that other voice really- "Snart. That mountain dew is one of the best things I've tasted and i don't know why." you see Mick chuckle as he walks in with Leonard.
"Well im going to meet Clara, see ya Snart." Mick says walking out again. This leaves a smiling Snart staring right at you. "Did you seriously get literally drunk, on mountain dew!" you exclaim as he belly laughs flashing his white pearls your way charmingly.
"Ah Y/N! Enjoy life honey! Before you know we'll all be dead. Gone. And it'll be so funny." he says breaking out laughing. You walk up and push him down into a seat afraid he'll break something. "You are not yourself." you say half smiling at his airplane antic he was performing in the air before your face. "I don't even know why I feel so light and fluffy. I'm really a fluffy guy Y/N." Len says peering into your eyes. You burst into laughter. "Oh my god. For real!" you laugh. Snart pouts a bit and stares. "What's so funny are you laughing at me?" he questions.
You pause and compose yourself. "No, I mean, yes. But not in a bad way. Your just being so... Nevermind." why didn't you say adorable, cute even! Damnmit can't you just admit you like this guy Y/N. You think.
"So what." he giggles poking you in the stomach standing again. "No s-stop." you try to breath. "Stop!" you yell as you get frustrated. "You can't just touch me how you want. I mean. Damn it Snart just sit down." you say sternly pushing him back down.
"Only if I can tell you a story." he smirks as you look at this "drunk" man in disbelief. You sigh. "Fine." "okay then sit on my lap." he smirks again and you groan sitting down. Snart then wraps his arms around your waist and you all at once feel at home. "Now, once upon a time there was a prince." he began as you laugh. "Really." you question but he just shushes you.
"His name was Capitionsia. But since his make was sooooooo long." he says dragging out the o and poking your nose as you giggle. "He told everyone to call him Cap. This prince ruled his city and had everything he dreamed of as a little boy, he was truly a legend. But, he did not have one thing. And that one thing was a fair maiden to swoop him away from all business." you admit, you are actually enjoying this. Snart is never romantic like this. By now you have your head lent against his shoulder.
"Then one day, he was looking out his palace window and one of his soldiers, a girl named Y/M/N (your middle name) , fighting in training and she was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Her long Y/H/C swooshed as she fought with vigor. And all at once he fell in love at first sight." you were blushing cause you knew he didn't just name the prince cap, like captain cold, and the soldier your middle name. "But she was of lower class and his father would never agree. So from then on he fought with her any chance he got and slowly got to know her more and more. All the while falling more in love. But does she love him back, was the only thing going through his mind." suddenly he abruptly stops.
You lean to look at him. "Go on." you say eagerly. Snart, plenty calm now, smirks at you. "That's just it, I can't go on cause I don't know the rest. I don't know if she loves him back or not." Leonard says as you now notice your faces are so close you could feel his steamy breath against yours.
You do love Snart. Since day one.
"Will this answer your proposal you sly dog." you say as you slam your lips against his waiting ones and you both share an eager but tender kiss you mumbling an, "I love you," against his soft plump lips. But of course it is soon foiled by the mountain dew still traced in his brain. As he tickles you, you laugh hardly falling off his lap onto the floor. "Oh my Y/M/N, im afraid I need more verification than that." Captain Cold laughs.
"I'm all yours Cap."
Woooohhhhh! Back in the writing game! Sorry it has been sooooooo long everyone. Damnnn. Yell at me alls ya want I know im stupid lmao. Anyways this one is a request from Aubyk1203 hope you love it! Stayed up late for you all!

Wentworth Miller/Dominic Purcell Imagines
FanfictionRequests are Closed for now sorry. This will be imagines about Leonard Snart, Mick Rory from DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Michael Scofield, and Lincoln Burrows from Prison Break. Hope you enjoy them all!