Trouble - Michael Scofield

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You groan while gripping the piece of metal in your hands hoping it would soon just come alive. Michael and Linc are with you and they asked you to fix this phone since it just shut down with a full battery all the sudden. You were all staying in separate hotel rooms and you are currently in Michael's. You don't know him personally, you were always just a figure that T-bag  begged Michael to help out of prison too.

Yep, T-bag, it looks like that sociopath has a heart somewhere cause he felt bad when you came in framed and he protected me like you were his daughter. Since you was the only girl in that retched heep. So yeah, and you are very shy so that's why Michael and you have never gotten to be friends yet.

"Ergh." You groan as you still can't make it light up. You are really good at this stuff usually. You hear Michael's shower turn off and you try to hurry up. Connecting the piece over and over again. "You should be going phone." you growl. You crack your knuckles, a frustrated habit.
Soon Michael slips out of the bathroom with only shorts on. Except you didn't hear him. "C'mon my one chance to prove helpful somehow." you groan, "Fuck it!" you yell slamming it down. "Language sweetheart." you hear making you jump. You spin around to see Michael smirking at you. A blush covers your cheeks realizing he has his shirt off.

You look down in embarrassment. "Sorry." you say shyly as he smiles. He then gets by you on his knees and picks up the phone. "You think it'll turn on?" he asks as you shrink from all the sexy thoughts swirling in your mind looking at his bare body.

"I don't know." you moan getting up and sitting on the edge of his bed. "You are valuable to this team." he mumbles fiddling more with it. You scrunch your face in confusion. "What?" you ask. "You said you werent helpful." Michael says getting up and sitting by you. "That's not true." he shrugs. You laugh. "Whatever." you say in a sarcastic tone.

You look over at his tattoos. The lines seem so mesmerizing and neat and the give you chills just thinking how one genius man thought all that up.

You look up to see him looking at you weirdly. "Oh." you mutter emmbaressed once more. "I-I like your t-tattoos." you stumble anxious. He then smiles. "Thank you." he chuckles with that bright cute smile of his. "You can feel free to touch them." he says startling you.  "Really?" you say smiling. Michael takes your hand and places it on his skin as you grin. His hand touching yours was so soft, and the touch of his chest.

You trace his chest and the tattoos on it. His skin touching your with sparks that threw you from even thinking about the tattoos. He is now sitting face to face with you. And as you feel his breathing get choppy and heartbeat fasten you wonder why. You then peer your eyes up at Michael's to see him smiling at you with sparkles lighting his beautiful eyes.

You naturally lean in and he does the same till your lips meet. They stay in one place for a while, then you start moving them. Fireworks in your stomach and butterflies going nuts. He grabs your waste as you both continue kissing heatedly. His lips giving you a fulfilling passion and they were so soft and plump.

Now taking you and hovering over you, Michael groans at the feeling of your skin when he slides his hand under you T-shirt. You gasp and your hands conveinently rested on his back gripping it to pull him closer. "Mm..." you here him groan when your tongues have battle desperately.

"RING....RING....RING!" the harsh sound coming from the phone on the edge of the bed startled you both badly. Michael groans sliding off you and you frown at the blasted thing. At least it works now. "Its linc." he says in a sexy raspy voice. You lean your head on his shoulder looking at the phone. He smiles at you before walking towards the door. "This isn't over yet" Michael says winking and walking out.


Sorry it took me this long to update!

Ily all!❤

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