Chapter 11

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So I hit 5 followers and lyon  has almost 2k reads, what even is life? 

Amara's POV

I kissed him.

For a moment he didn't respond, probably because he was taken aback but as soon as he came into his senses, he kissed me back with the same passion. I felt as if I was melting into a puddle, my legs felt weak enough though I was on the bed and I felt as if I would fall. One of his hand caressed my cheek while the other one pulled me closer.

As we pulled apart, I breathed heavily trying to control my body and my emotions. He cupped my chin and made me look at him.

"You are so beautiful, my moon." He said as his eyes flickered from black to normal.

I couldn't help but smile like a fool when he said that and he smiled back.

There was a knock on the door, and Damien spoke from outside. "Amara's parents have called." 

I looked at Elias in confusion. Did he tell them? I couldn't help but think how worried they must have been because of me. 

"I had to tell them, Amara." Elias explained as he opened the door and took the phone from Theo. "We couldn't keep it a secret from them, they're your parents." He handed me the phone and kissed my forehead. "Talk to them, I'll go and get you something to eat."

I talked to my parents for about an hour. It took a lot of convincing to make them believe that I was okay. My mom couldn't help but cry while my dad consoled her and me as well. He told me how brave I was to fight it and come back alive and that he was very proud of me. I believed every word he said.

After talking  to my parents, Elias brought me sandwiches to eat and soon after that I went to sleep.

I woke up at around dinner time and could see 4 chairs in the room surrounding me. When did we become a cult? I wondered.

Theo, Rome, Elias and Damien came inside, each holding either food or plates and glasses. They brought in a table as well. 

"We couldn't have dinner without you." Theo spoke beaming with a smile.

"We also wanted to talk to you, Amara. But we shall converse about it after dinner." Rome said while fixing his glasses.

I nodded. I was handed my dinner which was spaghetti and meatballs. We all started eating and talked about those normal things a family talks about. Family. Yeah, family.

They cleared the plates and then sat back on their seats, but this time Elias came and sat down next to me in the bed, letting me use him as a support to lean my head on.

"I know you just woke up Amara, but we need to know this as soon as possible, so that we can catch whoever did this to you." Damien began. "Can you recall and tell us what happened that night?" 

I gulped down. I did remember everything. If I could help them in catching the people who had started this, I would. We,humans, do need the respect from the werewolves, but killing each other isn't the way to go about it.

"I went to the very room I was told to go to. When I was looking out of the window, he spoke. It didn't take time for me to realise that he was a human. He confessed that himself. They are plotting to take revenge for all the bad things the werewolves have done to the humans. He wanted to kill all werewolves, starting with.." I looked at Elias. "Elias. He wanted to kill Elias by killing me."

All 4 of them growled at this but Elias's growl stood out the most. I could tell that he was very angry by the way he was breathing.

"In order to escape him, I fought him but he was much stronger. When I was lying down there, I saw something else. There was another person there, I wasn't able to see who but I did see the colour of the clothes they were wearing. It was blood red." I finished.

"That is the same colour of the gown Emily was wearing." Rome had observed it as well. "It was also she who told Amara which room to go to. A while after Amara left, she also went to the kitchen to check something with the chefs."

"But why would she side up with the humans? She already despises them." Theo said.

"We need to find that out." Elias replied. "Rome, Damien go find out what she has been doing lately. Who she has met, where she has gone. I want everything." 

As we were talking, Theo's phone rang. He looked at the caller id and froze a little, confusing me. He then glanced at me and then went out of the room to take the call.

Huh, weird. I thought to myself. Maybe it was one of his "Female Friends".

The next few days involved Rome and Damien coming in and going out frequently as ordered by Elias while the number of calls Theo had been getting also increased. Whoever it was called him like in every 4 hours. He would also go out sometimes and hung out with me less.

I was sitting in the living room, on the sofa, to which Elias had been kind enough to carry me to. I had talked to my parents a few hours ago, they were planning to come to visit me, I couldn't wait for it. As I was just lying there, Theo came back from wherever he had gone to.

"Theo, where have you been going so much lately? Ladies?" I asked in a playful manner.

He went to the kitchen and took out a bottle from the fridge and drank it, completely ignoring me.

"Theo, have you gone bipolar? Why have you been avoiding me so much?" I frowned a little.

He shot me a look. I had never seen him act like this. Had I done something wrong?

"Amara, I am busy lately, I don't have time to play with you." He spoke up.

I didn't reply to it. I didn't know what to reply so I just lied there, with my lips in a thin line. He came and sat down next to me. 

He was about to speak but then Rome came in the house along with Elias and Damien slamming the door.

"There has been a revolt." Damien spoke. 

Elias came and sat down on my other side and pulled me closer to him, holding me.

"Where? What happened?" I looked at them concerned. First revolt in 30 years, it couldn't have been good.

"Oricos. It happened in Oricos." Rome said while Elias's hold on me became a little tighter.

So many emotions flew through me, I couldn't register a single of them. What would've happened to my parents? They would be fine right? I talked to them just a few hours ago, they sounded happy. They were going to come visit me, right? 

While all these thoughts ran into my mind, I ignored what Theo whisper faintly.

"I'm sorry."


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