True Lockdown Stories

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Reddit True Lockdown stories

Question: [Serious] Has your school been on lockdown?

Username: youtbuddcody


Username: u/Wealeykeith7

Gunshots erupted in the hallways during the transition from 1st to 2nd period. Just as the first few shots echoed, the principal's shaky voice declared lockdown over the intercom. This was not a drill. Students dropped their backpacks and sprinted for their lives, diving into classrooms, whilst all teachers locked their doors and turned off the lights, ushering students under the desks. Being teenagers, the students had naturally believed themselves to be immortal; now they all held back tears. This was the first time they've ever truly feared for their lives.

Two panicked students barreled around a corner, then slid to a stop, a teacher's urgent whisper grabbing their attention.

“Annie! Melissa! Get in here!” Mr. Anderson called to them.

The students rushed into the room with Mr. Anderson, the drama teacher, crying and trembling with fear. "It's gonna be okay, don't worry." Mr. Anderson said. It appeared he'd been shot, for he was clutching his leg as it bled. He let go of his leg to hold Annie tightly, trying console her. Melissa joined the hug, clinging to him tightly.

"Everything's gonna be okay." Mr. Anderson repeated to them. "You'll be fine." The girls almost believed him, until he let go of them and took some steps back. They looked at him, confused; but then, Melissa's jaw slowly dropped, unable to scream. Annie's eyes widened, tears slowly escaping her eyes and moving down her face. Mr. Anderson smiled at the girls as he pulled a pistol from his pocket. His leg was fine; it was covered in fake blood. His smile never left his face as he racked the slide back.


Username: Tote_Sport

Yup. Back when I was in first year, I was sitting in Maths class, 3rd last period of the day, double art or DT or some piss-easy class to finish a nice, warm March day. About 15 minutes into the class


We were jolted out of our math-induced comas by this sound (the classroom was situated at the top of this old staircase which amplified the sound which also happened to have emanated from just off the bottom of the staircase in an adjacent hallway).

The teacher told us to stay in our seats and walked to the next class to find out what the craic was with aforementioned bang. It was then announced over the intercom that all students were to remain in their class for the rest of the day (about another 90 or so mins).

We spent the rest of the day up there doing our homework and speculating what the fuck that sound had been. When the end of day came, we were escorted to the buses (usually we could walk down unattended) on a long detour round the school, whereas we could normally have made the journey in ~30 seconds, this one took 2 minutes.

First sign of trouble was seeing three marked police cars at the front of the school. Second sign was seeing two officers with MP5 submachine guns standing by one the main student entrances. The third and final (and most damning sign of trouble) was the fact that of the four large pane glass windows to some of the front-facing classes, two had shattered completely.

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