Chapter 21; Hotel & Glasgow

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My alarm went off at 6:45 in the morning and I took the quickest shower in weeks before blow drying my hair and pulling on some comfortable clothes. I wanted to sleep in a much as I could so I was in a bit of a hurry. I facetimed Casey since I didn't have the time to be on my laptop because I had to go down to eat breakfast.

I was staying in a really nice hotel and Mark even got me in the same as Shawn because usually the crew, band and also the openin  act are in other hotels. The artist itself, their manager and a few other crew members are in a more expensive one then the others. It's just how it is but Mark managed to get me in the same since I'm not that unknown around here.

Anyways, I had on some sweatpants and a sinple shirt as I got in the elevator while facetiming Casey.

"So let's do some german & french today!" Casey clapped her hands excitedly. Casey was half german and even I had some german blood running through me since my grandmother was from germany but all I knew was 'hallo' which obviously means 'hello'.

I wasn't too thrilled to lern german & french and the only reason Casey wants me to learn german is obviously because she was from there. I was bad at learning any other language than my own but apparently it was necessary.

"So do you remember last weeks lesson?" Casey asked as I got out if the elevator. "Sure," I said but to be completely honest...I didn't.

"Uh huh, can you say 'My name is Jamila' in french?"

I spottet Andre sitting with Shawn's crew while I spottet Shawn at the buffet. I waved at Andre and went to the buffet myself. "I can't facetime right so I will stuff you in my pocket, alright?" I said and did as I had told.

I had earphones in so I could easily grab a plate and put food on it.

"Alright and now tell me."

My name is Jamila.

"Uhm, how about 'Je m'apelle Jamila'?"

"That's correct!" I heard Casey clapping her hands. I put some fruit on my plate and bread while she told me to say the same in german.

After a few tries I got it correct. Mein name ist Jamila.

I took my plate and my orange juice before sitting down at the table where everyone else sat. "Morning," I waved at everyone. They all greeted me and Casey told me to focus.

"How do you expect me to focuse at this time in the morning while I'm eating breakfast. Might I add that I'm eating Kiwis and Mangos!"

I love Kiwis & Mangos. Don't judge.

"Mark told me to get you to focuse no matter what so I suggest you put me on video again since you sat down and all." I groaned but did as told.

I placed my phone against a cup and placed a salt shaker in front of it so it wouldn't slip away. "What does 'to have' mean in both languages?"

"Oh I know this. It's 'avoir' in french right? And 'haben' in german," I grinned happily as she told me I was right. "Now conjugate."

"I don't know," I shrugged after thinking for a while. "How about we stop now?" I asked but the stern look on her face told me that that wasn't an option.

We had to finish earlier today but until then she was really hard on me. Occasionally, I would get distracted by the fact that Shawn was sitting right in front of me but I knew that I had to contain myself.

Oh and did I mention that today was the first show of the tour?

I was so freaking nervous already after rehearsing at the arena the last few days but Andre told me I would kill it like I always did. I finally went off the phone with Casey after we were all done with eating breakfast.

"Alright everyone, the tour bus arrived a few minutes ago. We'll check it out, get our things and then we'll be off to the arena where today's the first show of the tour. I'm sure we're all excited and you both will kill it," Andrew Gertler, Shawn's manager, said to everyone and looked at me & Shawn as he said we would kill it.

We all got up and walked outside to see the tourbus. We got lucky that no fans had found out where we were staying so we got out easily without being stopped.

I saw a big, black bus standing next to the hotel and I got really excited as we got in and explored the limited space. It was a double decker which I thought was really cool.

Downstairs was the 'dining/sitting area' then the kitchen and at the end the luggage bay. It looked really cool and when I got upstairs I found a large living room area and a door that lead to the bunks. There were also a few closets so everyone could put some clothes in them. The bathroom was in the middle of the bunks so not that far away when you needed to go use the bathroom at night.

There was always one bunk on top of another so always two which gave us more space. There was a glass roof in the living room area which I also found amazing. I went back to the bunk area and decided that I would want the one in the farther back on the bottom.

"I CALL DIBS ON THAT BUNK!" I yelled so everyone could heard me as I got down and laid on the bed. I always had to get down on the floor to get in and I was farthest away from the toilets and the living room which was also great. There was a window at the end so I didn't had it far to look out either.

"Mila! Get your things from your room we have to leave soon," I heard Andre saying. I crawled out of the bunk and quickly went to my hotel room which I didn't have to share with anyone.

I packed all my things except one outfit and toiletries and all that for tomorrow since we'll be at the hotel again for tonight and then drive off to Manchester in the morning. I was done in record time before trying to get my bags and suitcases out all at once.

"Need help?" Someone asked from behind me. Oh, I would recognize this voice anywhere.

"I think I got it, thanks," I replied as I tried not to make eye contact with him. Did you really though it would be that easy? No, because right after I said that I stumbled over one of my bags and fell to the hard floor.

"Oh god, are you okay?" Shawn asked as he helped me up. "I'm fine," I nodded my head as I grabbed my bags. "Let me carry one," he said and grabbed one from me. "Thanks."

He both got to the tour bus and gave one of the two drivers our luggage so he could store them away. We each took one of our bags to take with us in the bus and got in. "You excited?" Shawn asked as we each claimed one of the closets.

"I am," I nodded happily, "are you?" I asked with a small smile as I put my things in the small closet.

"I'm thrilled. I'm so happy to be finally back on tour. Especially with an amazing singer like you."


I saw Heidi Klum, Naomi Campbell, Robin Schulz, James Blunt and a few more on Thursday 😍☺️☺️

I saw Shawn's bus when I met him about a month ago so I knew which brand it was but I don't quiet remember if it was a double decker or a single decker. On the brands side are four different models and I believe it was the double decker but I don't know so I just choose one which I found really cool and looked at the plan and pictures to describe and use it for the story. It's all fiction anyways ❤️

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